This board is a giant waste of time. It's just people endlessly complaining about everything and arguing with each other until the other forgets to respond or the thread gets archived.I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.
>>80171305>I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.inb4 op posts here again
>>80171305>I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.The way you do that is that you don't engage with the whiners, and you make good posts here instead. I've tried to find better places, they don't exist or if they do let me know. Every place I've had to wade through shit to get to the good parts. I've just accepted that that's how it is.
>>80171305that's the cycle anonyou'll be back
>>80171370why is r9k so addicting anyway? what's the psychology behind that
>>801713614chan being less censored than socmed is a blessing and a curse.
>>80171327>>80171361>>80171370>>80171435>>80171370Brothers we must leave
>>80171305>I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.ok op, goodbye now, NEVER COME THE FUCK BACK EVER AGAIN
>>80171305>have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something usefulWhat will you learn about?
>>80171954Why you so mad anon?
>>80171327Yes, but only to answer>>80171964I am learning spanish and japanese, also I'm going to spend more time at the library to read educational books and find out what I'm really interested in.
>>80172230Omae wa mou sinderoo
>>80172230>I am learning spanishbasado
>>80171305Welcome to the Hotel CALIFORNIA.. such a lovely place.
i dont know why i am here. i am pretty average guy but i cant get pussy and girlfriend. but then my socialmedia feed is filled whit 30yo women who complain they cant get bf, are frustrated for dating apps and lost all hope for finding that special someone.maybe i need to do something for my internet addiction
>>80172230>I am learning spanish and japanese, also I'm going to spend more time at the library to read educational books and find out what I'm really interested inwhy learn 2 languages? That's cool though. This interaction reminds me of a prompt I was working on.
>>80172781Because those two seem the most beneficial for me and I don't really have interest in learning more beyond basic phrases. >>80172611You should I've gotten chronic headaches from it and it's taking a toll on me. You don't have to go cold turkey but limit it and do other things, this board is unhealthy to be on. Hope you find someone though.
>>80171305obviously. but sometimes you need a certain flavor of degeneracy in your life just to realize your life is pretty damn good in comparison to a bunch of neet loser autists who cope by using this site also provides unfiltered autistic opinion which can be a valuable perspective for those autists like me who are blending in with the normies and pretending to be a normalfags
>>80171305>LE BOARD IS FOR COMPLAINING ONLYlol lmao nigger. go pay your taxes and work for mr. sheklestein
>>80171305>I have decided that I'm going to go focus on learning something useful.WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
>>80171305Go to the beach, bro
>>80171305See you tomorrow faggot you'll never leave
true this board is just fag spam and retards crying woe is me threads every dayold robot thread days are long gone, just faggots spamming cocks every 2 seconds like they arent going to neck themselves and wah wah im owed a virgin pussy for being a boring useless loser threads
>>80171305you're a waste of clean air, please stop breathing
>>80171305We're not here to be productive if you couldn't comprehend.
>>80171305Life is a waste of time. It's just endless shit to complain about happening to you and arguing with assholes all around you until they forget about you and you die
>>80171305>>80172230I wish you well anon