I wish to become a fascinating person.
I wish to become a fascinating rapist.
i tried to become more interesting by learning another language and reading classic literature but people just stare at me life a crazy person if i ever try to integrate those topics into conversation. i think with normies an important thing to know is that being interesting is a vibe. you can be stupid as rocks but if you look and talk a certain way they'll think you're awesome.
Mio has 2 threads up at the same time, attention whore
>>80173892mio... was it fascinating when you raped me? why mio...
>>80173892You were fascinated by rape..
Just bee urself, Mio. If you rape, rape. Do it 100%, Mio.
It's the constant self-doubt that removes all mystery, Mio. Can't be no depth to a person who's too scared to take the dive.
>>80174201>>80174219Getting raped by Aisu kind of sex.
>>80173892you'll have to take a lot of risks then.
>>80174080That can play a part but the biggest one is life experiences. Learning another language is neat but living in said county or culture for a few months/years gives people thousands of questions to ask like "what was it like?" "How did people treat you there?", reading classic literature can be meaningful and help you personally but doing stage performances of the material leads to them having questions beyond "was it any good?" That's what is missed in culture today is that you have to treat your life like it's being live stream on your waking hours and you want to entertain those viewers.
>>80174089And he didn't reply once to either one of them. Bad attention whore! BAD!