>/aiwg/>/biofem/>/cut/>/drugfeel/>/britfeel/>_______ and taking it easyWhat type of people use these threads? I never touch these threads ever because they feel like discord servers with an established community of regulars and mutuals. I'm not of the opinion that they shouldn't exist but they're like anomalies to me.
>>80179797can they just make a discord server ffs instead of filling r9k??? like yeah i guess its fine but holy shit
>>80179797>aiwgsad dudes posting their ai waifus >cutpeople who cut themselves sometimes>drugfeeldrug users>britfeelbrits
Yeah I don't touch them either because they're 100% circlejerks
>>80179797i like drugs......... mmmm drugs
>>80179797>because they feel like discord servers with an established community of regulars and mutualsThat is what they are. Little discord cliques that don't interact with anyone else but for some reason feel the need to post here publicly instead of staying on discord.
>>80179797sauce you fucking dipstick mongloid
I'm like 99% sure biofem is an incel honeypot designed to ask girls to show their boobies, and everything else but "___ and taking it easy" is where people go to whineif it ends in "feel" I avoid it like the plague, not because I don't feel, but because it's probably full of children whining about not getting laid
>>80179797idk, never used them. they do feel like discord. 4chan generals in general feel like discord, which I don't like>aiwgjust a gooner general that already exists on b and trash but people decided to bring the slop here>biofemit feels like a discord server, like half the posts are made by trips who don't post outside of it, idk why they aren't on crystal cafe or something >cutpeople here are sad and like to self harm. idk why they'd talk about it though >drugfeeldrug discussion, still feels like discord>britfeelI've been here for years and I still don't know what it's about >taking it easyit's confirmed discord blog posters who should leave IMMEDIATELY
>>80179846>I've been here for years and I still don't know what it's aboutwell they are people living on a certain island
>>80179873ik it's Brits, it just has no topic. what's the point in a general with no topic. All the generals just feel like weird cliques at best or 764 lures at worst
>>80179861Put on a trip already.
>>80179889>All the generals just feel like weird cliques at best or 764 lures at worstthats true, they always start as a few random posters but after sometime it's just namefags
aiwg is not a general, is a man avatarfagging with ai slop most of the timebiofem was awesome but is pretty empty now, it probably dies this year.taking it easy/way of fish/kind of day are spam blogpostersthe other 3 have been there forever, britfeel alone is probably 25% of r9k's entire content. Unlike the aberrations of r9gay, there's no other reasonable place to banish them to.
>>80179797Sexualizing girlbosses should be a popular enough fetish that there should be a single word for it. Although that artist isn't very good.
>>80179797/britfeel/ here. I've been posting there for 10 years, for the last 7 years I've been posting there literally every day including Christmas Day.I started off as a full robot aged 22 and now I'm a relatively functioning person aged 32
>>80179910>there's no other reasonable place to banish them to>>>/int/
>>80179972The /brit/ thread on /int/ is very different from /britfeel/You'll never get rid of us btw because for many of us, that thread is our entire life
>>80179910britfeel is nowhere close to 25% of the content. I actually like this board because it has way less activity in generals than most boards, like 70% at least of the posts are outside of generals>>80179953so, what's it about? what have you learned from your time there?
>>80179994It is, the other 20% is the homosexual aberrations.If r9gay is in edition 2300 something britfeel is probably in edition 16000 something
>>80179948Genuinely does need a word, closest that graces my mind is "brat-taming" but it just doesn't quite capture the soul of it.
>>80179994At it's peak /britfeel/ probably was 20-25% of all posts here but /r9k/ is faster and /britfeel/ slower now.What is it about? British NEETs incels etc. there are lots of regulars and it's basically like a pub. It's the same topics of conversation day in day out
>>80180013At the peak we had 4 threads a day. So over 10 years 3650 days that would be about 14,000 although it's slower now so probably on edition 10,000 or so
Almost 9000 threads
>>80180017Maybe because an actual boss would have authority a brat wouldn't. What about girlboss breaking?
Sorry britfeel is here to stay if you dont like it lump it. Simple as!
>>80179797you people complain about the lack of community the nu internet has but then shit on any semblance of community, nicu
literally the same exact gang of discord tranny larpers/groomers
>>80180056You could abbreviate it to "GBB" like other fetishes do. LIke bbw or bdsm.
>>80180084Actually not bad, rolls off the tongue, now everyone just has to start using it en masse for it to stick lolz
>>80180073shitting on sub-communities within communities should be normalized. if you care so much about community then they're exactly the opposite of what you should want within one. they function less like extensions of /r9k/ and more like a containment zone for groupies and clique shit
>>80180073Seeing people chat with each other and have e-friends makes me depressed so I have to filter them
/britfeel/ runs /r9k/
>>80180101I'm a bbw guy myself, but I might make it my mission to push this because morally speaking, it's something that needs to be mainstream.
>>80180022thiswe not welcome in real pub so we make our own
>>80180118It's basically just the opposite of the whole "fixing" characters thing where they take fit white characters then make them fat and black, start taking strong women characters, and then "fix" them by making them submissive and wear skimpy clothes.
>>80180133Fetishes appear to be an intrinsic indicator of political alignment.
>>80180146I think there's a chart made by jreg that shows this, let me find it.
>>80180170spooky, I wonder if it's accurate for mine.
>>80180173https://knowingless.com/2021/10/26/political-compass-fetishes/>correlations are not strong >raceplay is far right authoritarian >group sex is far left no way there isn't a correlation
>>80179833>discord cliques that don't interact with anyone else but for some reason feel the need to post here publicly instead of staying on discord.This, /aiwg/ literally has a discord
>>80179846>it feels like a discord server, like half the posts are made by trips who don't post outside of it, idk why they aren't on crystal cafe or somethingWomen are attention whores
>>80180332this can't be the explanation. why would you attention whore to a thread that only a few people check? just post a thread attention whoring instead.
>>80180344You think it's all women responding?
>>80180332Of the generals mentioned, biofem is the one that feels less like a discord server desu. People just keep saying it because women
>>80180379>People just keep saying it because womenYeah, it sticks out like a sore thumb
>>80179810id rather those than the porn spamming retards shitting up the board.
>>80179797>_______ and taking it easy It's a comfy thread with actual conversations. It also has a healthy ratio of women(female) for some reason
>>80180504It's mostly three troons talking with each other, pure discord crap.
I like brits. They can stay.
>>80179810We need more space for "Would rape this femobot." and "why doing you get a {getRandomModifier() gf}?
>>80179810Honest, /cut/ is probably the best one out of the generals here. I though that its was a bunch of trannies but I think the regulars are just normal people who go about their lives.