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Thread for all Jewesses, the most beautiful of all of G-d's creations
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1. Jennifer Connelly

*father – Irish, Norwegian
*mother – Ashkenazi Jewish
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2. Natalie Portman

*father – Ashkenazi Jewish
*mother – Ashkenazi Jewish
3. Kat Dennings

*father – Ashkenazi Jewish
*mother – Ashkenazi Jewish
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Dont jews have redheads?
4. Eva Green

Ethnicity: Swedish (paternal grandfather), Breton, French, Sephardi Jewish, Spanish
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5. Abigail Shapiro

Ethnicity: Ben Shapiro
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6. Alison Brie

*father – Scottish, as well as Dutch, English, German, Norwegian
*mother – Ashkenazi Jewish

Yes, Judas was a redhead.
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7. Rachel Weisz

*father – Ashkenazi Jewish
*mother – Ashkenazi Jewish and Austrian-Italian
Winona Ryder (bottom right) was 17 when that movie was made, jannies remove this pedophillic filth at once
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8. Milana Vayntrub

Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish
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9. Winona Ryder

*father – Ashkenazi Jewish
*mother – Belgian/Walloon, English, German, Irish, Swedish
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Eva is the perfect woman
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1. She has clothes on.
2. You dont know what pedophilic means.
Are you trying to say hollywood is controlled by jews, or something? How dare you, sir!
Hollywood used to be controlled by Jews, that's why there used to be so many hot shikshas and Jewesses (the Weinstein filter)
Now Hollywood is controlled by wokeism, that's why we get mutts and uglies now
Horse poop.
Brie Larson is hot.
She is the worlds most unpleasant bitch but she's got.
So is that chick from the Darker Shades movies. Grey Shades. Whatever.
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and both look like fucking ass compared to a prime Weinstein doll like Scarlett
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>is to make the nepotism less obvious
yet they're pointing out nepobabies more these days
in the end today jews are bowing down to foreign investors more than what their rabbis say
Which is adorable and has not one fucking thing to do with my point, you stupid child in a grown mans body.
Built for Big Uncircumcised Gentile Cock
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Are there any true jewesses (BOTH parents Ashkenazi Jewish) who have blue or green eyes? Or natural blonde or red hair?
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Israel is our greatest ally
So Anikan liked Jewish women.

She was born in Jerusalem, you clown.
Everybody knows she's Jewish.
So true. Jewish are the best.
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Thank you for recognizing Jerusalem as Jewish soil
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Being a proud American taxpayer, I am also proud to say that I love being under Israeli feet
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Rachel Sennot
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not a jew
please keep this thread kosher
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her tight jewish asshole deserves only big aryan cocks
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Sativa Verte could be a jew. Or just some chick.
>Lisa Marie Fontanarosa
Yep definitely goes to temple
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is this chick even real
Soooo, are we gonna talk about those Mooby World statues on the cabinet?
Why always celebs ? What about randoms jew babes ?
Just saying Natalie Portman immediately stops any anti-semitism in this world
Almost every White character is played by jews now.
>Are there any true jewesses (BOTH parents Ashkenazi Jewish) who have blue or green eyes? Or natural blonde or red hair?

just look at that gigantic nose.
That's why she looks human
>make the nepotism less obvious
You've never seen this movie


It's judaic nepotism highlighting how vile and ugly their women truly are.
She looks viciously jewish though
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I admit it, I hate Jews. More specifically I hate Abby's Jew husband because it should have been me who she married.
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casey calvert
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then a little photo dump of hasidish / generally frum Jewish women
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What a bush!
not her, it's a body double
Jewish female celebrity butts.
or lack thereof
Lena Dunham? Thanks, but no thanks.
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Pretty sure this is the only jew I allow in my fap folder. What a treat though.
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yeah pretty average collection
should have included naomi
bimbo tier..
The best thing about these threads is that they all look classy.
Nah her twat is ugly
The best thing about this one is her red pubic hair
mostly Irish genes
Needs a bag over her face
Go back to sleep, sheep.
I don't know what genes Scarlett's got but she's perfect if only she would keep her feminism to herself she'd be a 10+
Who is this vile wreak?
Scarlett's butt is perfect and the best of the lot. I bid 50k
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i think its worth more
Someday you'll just be able to feed these pictures into a machine and it spits Abby Shapiro out in front of you.
>jk they already have that and have been cloning people for decades
I think that's basically the plot of Weird Science.
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just spamming sha rizel
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she looks great in top left with that elaine hair
based Rena.
Kyla Cole/Alexandra D'Darrio/Chasey Lain-tier eyes. Amazing eyes.
legs go all the way up
Jews represent less than 2.5% of the US population but they are way over-represented in Hollywood and in powerful positions. Interesting.
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Goddess Gal
I would kill a billion palestinian orphans just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie
She looked so much better with short hair it's unreal
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NEwly single Natalie is getting my load today
So so beautiful
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Guess I'm into Jews now.
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I'm sad she doesn't have kids, bros :(
I think so. I know a Jewish guy irl who at first I thought was Irish or something due to his red hair, pale skin and freckles. Turns out he was an Ortho Jew and both parents didn't look mixed or something. Maybe his parents were converts or something idk.
red hair is not unusual among jews, especially inbred orthodox communities
Don't worry, I'll give her some.
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I thought this is the mother that gives the jewish bloodline.
Is she still considered as a jew?
Jana Defi, Nora Doll, Arabelle Raphael, what are some other pornstars for this feel?

Blessed set
Literally the most beautiful Jewess I’ve ever seen. Words like “perfect” are apt when it comes to her.
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>what are some other pornstars for this feel?
Michelle Wilson/Bond/Monaghan
Shame she got AIDS from a nigger and had to quit.

"rich girls" or "girls of privilege" would also be good

rich people know how to dress and have been eating healthy since they were babies. private school girls are the hottest.
Now all we have to do is move all the jews there.
wino forever
red hair in jewish families, much like blonde hair in arab ones, has nothing to do with inbreeding, you mouthbreathing nazi. It has to do with genetics passed along as a result of widespread rapes during the crusades and other wonderful Christian undertaings.
angel angel angel
angel retard angel
angel angel angel
shame her iq is in direct opposition to her looks
I love Jews so much bros it hurts
There’s a place for people like us-
8kun dot top
>widespread rapes during the crusades and other wonderful Christian undertaings.
You reap what you sow, Christkiller
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Love me sum Nat
Hell yes
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El sicko


Dude, you are so lost to reality that you will never find your way back. Kill yourself now!
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I bet Ilana Glazer could suck the antisemitism directly out of my soul.
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Ehhh no.
thats what happens when you pull your dick out of your sister, leave the trailer, and get some fuckin work done.
That is correct. Good god she's perfect.
good goy
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"no, don't look at my boobies!"
yes, bones poking through the skin is sexy.
Quad 8's says nothing. Good use of quad 8's.
You fuckin jew!
Maybe she just got back from Auschwitz.
fat titted comedian Megan Bitchell who gets them out
Bulit for Goy Cock
Many such cases.
Who is this one?
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look at this bitch!
they are incredible. more of them out, pls?
Rolling for yiddish yabbos
Cmon Big Ben
Maybe if she shaved anon then we could do something but oy vey all of that hair! I'd choke on it!
Sanest leftoid.
Beverly Paige
>g-d's creations
Kek, fuck off kike
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Throwback Jewess
Sonny rollins
she got some hebrew in her blood line but she is not a practicing jew at all.
Also not all jews are butt ugly scabs. Just most of them.
What is this person's name?
Welp. Let's do it.
SauceNao says Abby Shapiro.
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Sarah Silverman has been my jewfu for more than twenty years, no roll will change that. But let me see who I get anyway.
Karina Hart!
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>Sarah Silverman has been my jewfu for more than twenty years
incredibly based
Joanna Angel
The other chick from Broad City too.
I wonder if Kristen Schaal's Jewish.
Just not 21-30.
Rachel from UMass
I wish she got punched for real for Way of the Gun.
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love her
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same, always thought she is exceptionally hot
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i don't know why people post her nude shower scene as if that scene doesnt make my brain go into primal sexo mode
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yup, would sell my soul just to take a shower with her tbqh
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real shower or gas chamber shower?
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My Tonguey could Kung Pow her asshole any time
she's fucking busted
1. Jennifer Connelly
2. Allison Brie
3. Eva Green
The rest need to go to the gas chamber
Why are there so many Jewish women in pornography?

It is because pornography in America is Jewish in origin, and the US (particularly Los Angeles) is the pornography capital of the world. It goes hand-in-hand with the entertainment business and Hollywood.

According to actual Jewish historians who write on the subject as a part of Jewish history, it began with German Jewish immigrants to the US that peddled dirty books. These "romance" novels are how a lot of women consume pornography to this day, and they are a very profitable part of the publishing industry, which is also Jewish.

Personally, I find Jewish women are not raised with the same puritanical ideas of sex and sexuality, often liberal/progressive leaning women in my experience. That is another reason why I think there are so many Jewish women in pornography, they do not think it is nearly as taboo/offensive to do porn or be overtly sexual in general, and of course it generates ninety billion dollars per year.
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choking on her fur is the hot part anon! or, getting it stuck in ur teeth. lol

As long as her asshole is hairless, she's perfect.
Wife material
Stav fucked her
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I can't wait for holodecks to be real. I'd populate mine with a harem full of all these khazar dairy goddesses and spend the rest of my life sucking on their promised lands of milk and honey. Safety protocols disengaged of course.
now that's a GOAT body
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Your sick get help
Ok, virgin.

I would devour her
Rollin rollin rollin'
holy shit, where on earth did you pull this from
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I love Jew girls.
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Emmy Rossum
>this guy's in a Jewess thread and hasn't heard of Abby.
Roll baby
How does a goy get one of these girls? This antisemite needs his forbidden romance.
Dear lord why is the average jewish person so unattractive in physical features

My school is full of them, most are fat and do not give a shit about their looks. The 1 in 200 that are passably attractive just date niggers
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Absolute perfection
Rolling for Abby pls
Had a dinner with my family and the person that took to us to our seats was this jewess. I know she was a jewess was because she had a huge Star of David necklace and a hawk nose, but she was so pretty and curvy. She had these alluring bedtime eyes and this smile, that was both cocky and soothing. I still want to talk to her
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I love Casey!!!
I want to sniff her butt
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>she had a huge Star of David necklace and a hawk nose, but she was so pretty and curvy. She had these alluring bedtime eyes and this smile, that was both cocky and soothing.
Did she look like Abby?
My dear Abby. . .
Crusades were justified in action, mudshits and jews can never take responsibility for their actions.
no, she was blonde and more of an angular face
kys kike
Hollywood is still controlled by jews and you're a jew yourself
you jew shills need to fuck off nobody's dying over a bunch of long nosed beady eye whores that will never have sex with them
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>a comedian made a joke
How shocking.
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>only good Jewish restaurant/bakery in my town closed during COVID
>no more challah
>no more rugelach
>no more hamantaschen
>no more actual decent corned beef
>no more potato latkes mixed with fried onion
I miss it all so much. If this girl is even halfway decent at cooking I would breed her six ways from Sunday.
She should consider changing carreers. I bet she'd make a great escort.
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Don't worry, you'll get yours.
you have inbreeding diseases
jews are ugly
Eww gross, her skin's all ashy.
The genestealers are good, the rest look like Fragmaster in drag.
jewish genes are poop, that's why they have to steal 95% of their blood from the superior White race.
Nigga are you retarded? Have you met any Jewish people irl? Most are very conservative just like your typical woman any in the world. The ones you see in porn more than likely come from super chasidic repressive families and had a fucked up childhood. Go back to /pol/ with your retarded theories.

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