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Fuzzy buzz cuts welcome too
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This count?
OP likes cancer patients
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Anon is a fag.
Well that’s extremely fucking hot
To me, no. Thanks for sharing though.
The only cancer here is your post.
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Why does she have Sam Hyde tattooed on her forearm?
imagine kissing her shaven head
Imagine unloading on it.
I had a weird girlfriend once who randomly shaved her head bald.
It was really surreal at first and took a while to get used to, but she got turned on whenever I'd use my fingernails to massage the back of her bald head.
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Pics or it didn't happen.
This was 20 years ago, chief.
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Cuneiform tablets or it didn't happen, amigo.
Riley was simply amazing back then. Exotic, slender, athletic, terrific scenes. It’s a damned shame what she allowed to happen to herself.
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Agreed. Silly Canadian slut....
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Why would any woman accept a buzz cut beside cancer therapy ?
Because it's hot.
No its not.

Only prisonners of war get a buzz cut.

Whatever, I won't be interested in a lady that has a buzz cut.
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Then get the fuck out of the thread, faggot. This is a thread for men who like sexy women, not queers who suck cock.
These dudes can't admit they have fag tendencies. Muscle bitches, buzzcuts, tomboy, etc. It's all just dabbling with faggotry
Short hair >>21946863 has nothing to do with androgyny. That's why there is a separate thread for the real faggots, here >>21916216
You clearly belong in the latter, as you can not distinguish male from female.
Speak for yourself, off-topic cocksucker
I want to see that thing's tits.
I don't. German women are so fucking repulsive. And I'm saying this as a German.

They're completely full of themselves and have no idea how to act feminine.
You said German twice. Pretty sure the second time you meant retard.
So what's a reliable way to meet women with alopecia? I know there's plenty of bald women around my area but they all seem to wear wigs (very convincing ones at that). The only time they're ever confident enough to forego a wig is if they're already taken.
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find yourself a submissive, and make it part of the game
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Idk, its statistically rare.
Either find alopecia pages on ig and see who are the followers or be incredibly lucky.
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She looks fun.
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look at her go polishing that noggin
Most women with alopecia look kinda... meh, but this one is pretty af.
photoshop, bad one too
Not really, but yes most of us are retards. I happen to be a rare exception.
you realize that just because you find one thing attractive doesnt mean everyone in the world does, right? i mean, thats the epitome of a self centered closed minded asshole. live and let live, anon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdMkKHwyzac one of the best shaves ever
Because, her partner wants to cum on her bald head.
I want an unvaxxed virgin trad waifu desu. Women are stubid, you can convince them to shave it.
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Not sure if this is the same, but it's right next to it on my drive. Also the necklace is similar?
There's something about the no eyebrows that sends this straight to House Harkonen for me
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Her breasts are trying to run away from each other
>Slavic belly goblin
That thing is terrifying
>Star Trek villain
That guy is NOT a passing tranny
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Luna Claire cam whore
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Why are there no black women posted itt?
Because we're chronic masturbaters, not zookeepers.
Don't have any pics of em
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Zelenskyy deploying Nazi Skinhead pleasure girl to boost morale on the front
This way, sir.
i personally blame ST:TMP for my bald chick fetish and I blame my buzzcut fetish on Sinead O'Connor when she became popular with her "Nothing Compares 2 U" music video. Thanks, ladies.
Glad you enjoy the worst fake tits ever seen on a bald woman
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That's gotta be a dude.
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Nah, I'm pretty sure Cynth was born a woman.
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No adam's apple. Plus small hands. And the shoulders and ribcage are too narrow.
really pretty
Ugly ass biofem then. Poor thing.
Only thing I missed when my ex shaved her head was having something to yank on. Replacable with a leash, so wasn't much of a loss.
I know this feel.
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Suck my dick!
Since they're both dead, maybe your fetish isn't what you think it is.
damn she is so fine
the headshaving scene is so sexy
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Wish I did. Sorry.
damn, think I know her
Cool story, bro.
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who is this? does she have a video of her haircut?
when you wash their faces and shave their heads, quite a lot of women look like men. You always come across stories of women who did a thing while pretending to be man, and it is totally plausible.
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David, it's rude to stare
This thread makes me diamonds
>Transgender Telly Savalas
That guy looks creepy
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Sincerre is such a sexy bitch
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She looks as though she's enjoying herself, which makes her stand out even more

Because we're racist.
Taking notes.
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Best in show
I wonder how my uncle is doing.
because nobody gives a fuck about race. if you miss black women, post them.
it doesn't look good on all women. but on some, it looks extremely hot. they need to have the right face for it.
holy fucking shit this pussy stubble + bald head combo is so hot
i need to make a female upper back thread someday, it's so fucking hot
total fucking sex
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Whatever happened to jumpsuitedmonster?
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Any love for the absolute qveen of baldness, Siiickbrain AKA Caroline Miner Smith?

Friends with another goddess, Maggie Lindemann. These bald threads always come and go but I never see siiicky posted. Time to fix that.
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A butt to die for
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She's freaky in a hot way, then again this whole head shaving thing kind of is.

Here's a buzzed girl I quite like (ig: aisha_depp). I'll dump a few of hers if you don't mind.
Wish I knew more about the girl in >>21966478
All I know is her name is Yvonne and is from Bogenhausen.
Hot. Got any more?
Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne.
sorry I don't visit here very often
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i am officially into girls with buzz cuts now
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Wait, that's that latex girl? She had a bob cut, didn't she?

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