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thin indians
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fuckkk name?
Can’t help but notice the collection of “Christian Light Readers” on the book shelf. This jezebel is going to burn in hell for flashing her hoohoo.
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Anna Celeste
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You missed the chance name the thread "thindians"
Came to post
I'm not seeing any Indians in this thread.
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so your looking for thindians?
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why are thin indians so rare? even some of the women in this thread aren't skinny like how a skinny white women would be
Also came to post.
You win the internet sir, enjoy your up votes.
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indians eat a low protein high carb diet and never exercise, hence the pudginess even if theyre technically "thin" because theres no underlying muscle
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no womens sufferage there so many believe that exercise will make them infertile or cause their reproductive organs harm. honestly. same in US through the 1970s
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incredible thread premise, shit execution. allow me to rectify that
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That's all the definitely indian, definitely skinny pictures I have, and I'm about done captcha-ing
what are these panties called? they look so good around the venus mound>>21972829
very nice venus mound
>no womens sufferage there so many believe that exercise will make them infertile or cause their reproductive organs harm. honestly. same in US through the 1970s
This sounds like some retarded lefty excuse especially since it was only after women's suffrage did women get fat.
>you had one job and i fixed that for you
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soorat chopra
i’d butter her chicken
The best Indian thread OP. They are not a people who fatten well and too many pictures are of brown mingers
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more here: https://bunkr.si/a/myyW9aWj
women weren't overweight before sufferage
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What's this bitches name?
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You're going to need to show a little more respect than that. That's no way to talk about such a lovely young woman.
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Could I please get the name of this most illusive brown temptress? Her face has chased me across the internet for many months and her lovely smile warms the cockles of my heart, and my trousers
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Well, there you go. Her name is Ushna Malik. I think she's a babe too
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do you have any more of her?
Moar of her?
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>ctrl+F: thindians
>well done anon
anyone have the pic of a indian with tanlines selfie in a bathroom brown dooor
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>thin indians
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Met a Bhutanese sugar baby one time thinking she was going to be Asian because she put herself as that and there were no face pics. Turned out she basically looked and sounded like an Indian but one of the best looking Indians I've ever seen. Great petite toned body. In my opinion, the best "Indians" are Bengali/Nepali/Bhutanese. Indian women from India are ugly as fuck, I would know because I work and live with them here in Canada.

Let me contribute.
Her stuff was so hot.
her long hair is sexy as hell
agree, thats true

dm to chat discord: hastey2745
damn that is a wonderful photo. thanks anon.

it's the skinny body + tiny tits + hairy bush combo that gets me, the ultimate natural look, can't much more femine in my opinion
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she's dead by the way. Her junkie white boyfriend got her into porn to fund his addictions.
What? There is Universal sufferage in India.
there are more of this one
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Prove it
>thin indians
You mean thindians?
There’s more of this girl out there I think. Did a lot of feet centric stuff
More please.
Got any more? I haven't seen some of these & I know there's vids out there.

I heard she died in a terrible car wreck. I hope he died a slow painful death, if what you said is true.
Thank you for saving this thread, incredible pics.
anon is judging her but still jerks off to her...
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I got a bunch of pics of her.
Not sure about vids though, I've only ever seen the office depot zishy shoot that used to be on pornhub
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same as>>21977223
before she had her tattoos
check the pendant
Yep. Indians hate exercising and limiting their carb intake. Hence, most are chubby or flaccid if not yet fat, and diabetes/pre-diabetes is rampant.
Need moar of these Himalayan nipples!
she has an account on reddit as well
been looking for more of this girl for ages
My gf at least has shit genes where pretty much most of any weight she gains goes towards her belly fat.
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its hellen5113
I've always wanted to bang an Indian chick, she is cute
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Who is this? I definitely need more of her.
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more of this girl?
>tfw latina and desi women look so similar to each other that you could almost easily call this a latina thread and get away with it.
Does this perfection have a name?
So many smelly Curry nigger Girls
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perfection indeed, as the other anon said
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So hot
she has a nice body but her face is meh
have seen hotter indian girls
America is so fat. Wow. I wish more women like this existed here in the U.S.
No such girl in the US.
She is living in Canada
Look at how tight and streamlined her body is... Girl was built for speed and agility
>built for speed and agility
nah, just to be tied, blindfolded, and gangbanged
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Ushna Malik
Dear God I need a name
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No full nude clear image?
>shit execution
What did anon mean by this?
yeah they're great. sorry tho dunno
love it. who?
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damn captcha is hard these days
damn, is there more of her?
Pretty sure the head was added in post. Man do the proportions look off. :-)
Sadly that's the best I got if you find moar I would love a name
source for this one?
Fuuuuck she's hot. I fucked a bengali girl who was as skinny and small as her. Also goddamn, there is something about girls with dark pussies and dark nipples.
Nothing quite like south indian women, goddamn. Especially Tamils.
I want to believe its true, apparently there is an obituary for her from a few years ago, but even so her instagram account is still posting.

You mean mexicans, peruvians, and MAAAAAAYBE venezuelans.
Damn right.
I had 2 petite Indian gfs, both super tight and submissive... best sex ever.
You mean that fake account with only 11 pics that are not even all hers?
does anyone have the vids of her?
Pls more !!!
Indian girl from Smosh
idk why the fuck I feel like this but yeah, I like that submissiveness... My gf the first time we had sex was very much taking charge and confident and it was almost a turn off at first. I like to see a girl start submissive and maybe then gain some confidence
I love the sagittal line on Indian girls... the treasure trail from her navel to her pussy
Thx mate. How old is she ? Love her skin colour.
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Anyone got more or sauce?
Aren't they called Thindians?
massive milkers
gonna need more
Bump. Please more desi waifus
That dark choclate is delicious
I'd take the indian babe over that hippie looking astrology loving little cunt
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when they're skinny they're so hot, I once had a gf like this

The best part is busting white cum all over their brown tummy and tits , the color contrast is awesome
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Not skinny pls delete
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warmtoned ( avina)
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The best part about sluts like this other than what >>21992062
said is that they're only like 90 lbs and you can just pick them up and toss them around
Any malaysian idian ?
Shes on chaturbate pretty frequently, though these images are airbrushed pretty significantly.
Based. Did a study abroad in Bhutan. Absolutely stunning women all over the country.
More ?
where have you been hiding
We are all going to hell/be thrown into the lake of fire for being porn addicts
damn i googled bhutan women and youre right anon i think i know my next trip
They don't take tourists
is there more of this little toy?
Aashika Thomas

There is this traditional Bhutanese custom of courtship known as bomena, in which a man enters a woman’s house surreptitiously, and persuades her to let him into her bed. If sex was the primary motive, the man will sneak back to his own home in the dead of night. If he wants this to progress into a public relationship then he will remain in the woman’s bed till morning, which in some parts of the country is enough to declare them as husband and wife.
I wanna break those glasses into her face
there must be more
Anyone got moar?
I had an Indian gf that was perfectly skinny with a tiny waist that I could almost close my hands around.

She refused to let anyone touch her pussy until marriage. I would've dumped her because of this except she felt guilty for it and would give me head whenever I wanted.

I was her first bf so she had no idea what was normal. Fucking her face till she gagged? Not one complaint. She sucks my dick for so long her jaw gets sore? She lays down mouth open and tells me to get on top.

She hated the taste of my cum too. She'd spit it into a tissue so I'd hide the tissue box or move it away beforehand and make her swallow.
incredible tits - like a perfect circle. Pity about the jew nose though. Would not bang
Why the FUCK didn't you title this thread "thindians" you fucking moron
I had two petite indian gfs... both were submissive and allowed me to use them as I wished. In the end I even shared them. Best sex ever.
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Can ai get a source!!!!
Who else team light skin high caste desi pajeeta here
@for001ever on twitter, she got chunky over covid though unfortunately
Must do the needful with all of these thindian cute girls...
this is fucking incredible

Is there more of this cocoabebe girl?
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like others before me I will scold you on not calling the thread Thindians
don't make this mistake again
carry on
sweet mother of God, I am so attracted to this. and no, I wasnt raped or abused I had an amazing childhood with both my parents
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Your face is AI
Found more of this little brown goddess is anyone is interested
>no womens sufferage
The truth is that women have had the right to vote in India since independence.

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pls don't stop
this is fine.
is there more?
You forgot the ones from Nicaragua.
damn, who is this
who is this?
any more of her?
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i think she quit

instagram @o6i2
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Good god I would fuck her until she asked me for a break
She has a toilet. Good sign.
The white girl is much better looking. She's just dressed like a dweeb.
lol, about to post the same. +1 internets to you
and she will have a lot more sex than you will ever have
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anyone know where this girl went? she hasnt been active for months now and her twitter was just deleted. Naaataliee22 on X and Reddit
gonna need more of her
Is this Rhea? I used to sext this chick about 2 years ago
Megha Shrestha (シュレスタ メガ) lives in Japan (idk if she is part japanese or not ethnically but she was raised there I think) and is absolutely gorgeous. would post but image limit reached.
Any more of her
Who is this?
Indians were practically the OG Latinas.
Did you pull the wings off flies when you were a kid? Maybe you still do.
kittykhan, my beloved
i need her

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