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Any and all women who happen to be missing one, two, three, or four limbs, whatever
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No more pointless restrictions, just post what you want
How does one just put their hands and shins in a woodchipper and keep the rest of their body unscathed.
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we already have an amputee thread.

And a wheelchair thread.
There is a very limited amputee thread, with a bunch of requirements and specific amputations only, anything goes here
yeah, i don't know why that other thread started such a niche topic and then brutalized it with random extremely specific rules on top of that
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Real life cyborgs are so sick
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Fuck me cyperpunk 2077
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>medical industry and taxpayers bend over backwards to help hideously maimed women be normal useful members of society
>they just become whores anyway
>if anything being mangled just made them a more marketable and profitable whore
lol it's like 'educating women' times ten. All the money and effort spent on people who barely need it anyway.
IIRC this is one of the things that can happen if you get sepsis, or some other nasty infection
You are unsurprisingly wrong about everything in this post.
I'm guessing most of these pics are from car crashes.
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I hope someone has the decency of putting me down if I lose all limbs. What kind of quality of life do you have, here? And at what cost? You're basically enslaving another human to care for you around the clock.
How about we just put you down now. Based on this post, you are clearly a net negative to society.
Well he somewhat has a point but he forgot that attractive women can literally be helpless nuggets and somebody will always be there at their beck and call to pick up the slack.
The world keeps turning..
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>Let's just pretend you're stuck after melting into the floor
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I love before the knee, but damn, she had such a glow up since she is above the knee.
Unfortunately there hasn't been an update on her website for a long time.
What about an amputee thread on /gif/?
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This is probably ES
You saying that while consuming their content or after?
Have you seen she will be active again on her OF?
I dunno man
how do you even function without hands
seems like sight would be the only thing worse to lose
Is this AI? Otherwise, what the fuck happened? Was she a model handling grenades?
This is not AI, she has IG.
flesh eating bacteria or sepsis can lead to something like this
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seeing the thumbnail I was about to say that this is shooped, but I even know her and led her to this whole thing
she is awesome
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Damn could you go out with a cyborg?
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No one will ever love a legcel.
Does anyone have the discord link?
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"Shirley Melendez, a 25-year-old counselor at Peru’s student financial aid agency, first went to the Guillermo Almenara public hospital in La Victoria in January to be treated for kidney stones.

She was discharged ...only to return 10 days later ... Doctors thought Melendez was improving but noticed severe necrosis, or lifelessness in skin tissue, in her hands and feet. They decided to amputate.

Melendez claims she has a recording which suggests that her doctor used an infected catheter. "
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woman with genuine wooden peg leg!
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two peg legs!
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two peg legs again
Imagine larping as a fleshlight. I could never.
I wouldn't say she's larping. She basically is just a fleshlight.
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Joanne and Inga or Kim and Barbie, who ya got
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one more kim for good measure
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How did she lose her arms?
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Trad wife who flips sandwiches with her missing feet0
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Pretty sure an electrical accident when she was like 2 or 3..?
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Any anon here knows her name/socials?
why did they need to... "take more off"?
good job. could also be a result of hypothermia, but the end result is the same, the extremities of the body loses resources first and can end up being necrotized.

It seems people really don't have good connections with their families/friends and grossly underestimate their capabilities once disabled.
Studies show that most people reach similar levels of happiness after such life-changing events. Humans adapt and there are people out there who try to make the world more accessible to everyone. A lot of accessibility tools are useful to the average person, too.
katawa shoujo: the thread
I'm pretty sure she was born that way. The way her limbs end at the shoulders seems to indicate that.
Went to go look her up, only to find that she's battling cancer.

Now I feel bad for getting hard at her.

Aidyvuelta on ig
I think shes a wealthy spaniard
I would an hero if that happened to me, most likely. Spend a couple of months drinking myself into a stupor and then when ready book a flight to a country with a winter temp of -20 or less and go for a long walk in the wilderness. Apparently freezing to def is one of the very least painful ways to go according to the few people that accidentally froze and are later rescued. Like going to sleep they say.
>educating women
Fools folly I agree.
please someone post
alright this is hot
getting turned on by a woman is always a compliment, no need for shame
Fgg22, edited
she came back negative the other day, plus her OF was to pay for it
>It seems people really don't have good connections with their families/friends
Incorrect. If that were me I would not want to impose on others and demand exceptions be made for me.
>Studies show
they show a lot of horse shit that turns out to be incorrect.
> Humans adapt and there are people out there who try to make the world more accessible to everyone.
for women, sure. for men? no lol.
>A lot of accessibility tools are useful to the average person, too.
How's this thing work for a girl with no arms? Is a caretaker undressing her and setting up the camera? Seems like abuse would be too easy
Your mind is infect with memes. You are the greatest barrier to your happiness.
>Seems like abuse
Only if you believe that she is unable to give consent.
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Suicide prevented?
Just let me get a sniff of that pussy before she goes
New fetish unlocked
Wait how the fuck did she get up there? Did she use her pussy to hike up the machine? Or what
she probably resorted to using her arms, i know that sounds weirder than using her pussy for mobility but sometimes things work out that way
Apparently her cancer came back and she died not too long ago. She was by far the best looking amputee I've ever seen.
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>I don't have a rebuttal so I'll just assert that you must be unhappy
I'm very happy
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