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Fair skinned, dark haired with blue or green eyes. Preferably with some freckles.

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Reminds me of the dune actor
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Perfection exists <3
Perfection doesn't have drawn on eyebrows.
Perhaps her real eyebrows died in a fire...
Gio Scotti is 16 years old.
the perfect age to be my wife
legal in most states and the country she lives in
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oh this is fucking nice, as close to perfect as possible, apart from freckles but that is kinda neutral.
any source?
I bet she has hairy as fuck arms and legs, not too good feature.
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If only the video could be slowed down to 10% speed playback.......
Hoooolyyyy shhhiiiiiit was she the most popular girl in school?!
>Emerson Llewallyn
who is this?
Need moar, i fucking love freckles

>Please wait a while before making a post
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Shame she never showed the minge before she cancelled her patreon and went crazy.
idk who she is
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god bless you anon
>she was born on December 2, 2006
The pictures floating around with her smoking cigarettes and modeling are of her back in high school when she was 16. That's when her pictures went viral. And the picture near the top of this page might be from that time...
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who is this pretty girl omg : S : )
god i wish i would have to be handcuffed if i ever met her in person
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Mackenzie Jones fits this bill pretty well
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>had patreon
>before she went crazy
you mean crazier
bro, you wouldn't happen to have a leak for her of. Brother desperate.
What's her name?
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Hannah Stein AKA hnnhxl.
I like frecks, so for me she's perfect.
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