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All things strippers. Big heels, poles, private rooms, locker rooms, ect.
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I don't understand the point of strip clubs. Look at the girl in this pic. I could go to a licensed brothel and have 1 hour of sex in multiple positions, including oral and massage for less than $200 with a woman just like this. Why bother going to a strip club where you pay just to watch her dance?
Same reason some people go to bars instead of drinking by themselves all the time
Also you can stay at the strip club for longer than an hour without being rushed, and there are lots of strippers trying to flirt with you
It's not a replacement for brothels, you go for a different experience altogether
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Love stripper legs and shoes
Are all dressing rooms in strip clubs this fucking nasty?
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I love strippers. This thread has inspired me to go the club tonight and get a handy or bj from a stripper. Thanks /s/
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carmenhoe milf stripper
Yes, it's a fucking strip club
I joke with my wife all the time about being a stripper. She has the body and personality for it. How can i talk her in to giving it a shot.
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If you have this much of a bad girl/slut thing, then just get a stripper girlfriend on the side. Its just as, if not less, sleazy as trying to get your wife to do it for a fetish of yours.
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>why do people eat chicken wings and drink beer at hooters when they could fuck hookers??
>why do men go to strip clubs when there are hookers??
>why would you have a girlfriend when there are hookers??
this is pure autism.
Sometimes it's the who. When I was like 22 found out my grad class prom queen and her husband got in extreme financial trouble and that she was trying to strip on the DL an hour drive away. I made that trip and was happy to help her financial problems to finally grab her big tits while she gave me a lap dance. Recognizing me half way through as a nerd she graduated with. And the sheer horror realizing the secret was in danger and that I paid for another 5 dances haha.
She will 100 percent leave you. Someone with more money will outshine you and point out that you don't actually care about her if you pushed her into it. Good friend was a stripper for a while. Saw this happen on 3 separate occasions. Fun to fap to until the divorce you have to explain to everyone.
I dated a girl who did onlyfans/was a stripper for a few months. It was really fun and exciting, but theres no way any sane person can last in that sort of thing.

I cant imagine actually marrying one.
or maybe you just live somewhere there AREN'T brothels? wtf
Same. I was dumb enough to do it twice. Definitely wouldn’t recommend ever actually dating one. Fucking for a bit? Sure. But don’t catch feelings these girls are always drama filled nut jobs who will eventually cheat
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Soldiers and Marines need someone for a sham marriage so they can move out of the barracks.
not every place has brothels or even easy/affordable access to hookers.
. . . GRETA!!?
How dare you!
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Love this stipper pose
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Tell more. Give full details of that night and what happened later.
Sometimes stripclubs is also brothels but usually the sex is more up to the girls if it happens or not.
If you are mid-tier looking and can even fake a mid-tier personality you can actually pull a lot of numbers from a strip club. Just a sport jacket and a small implication you might have a little money goes a long way because strippers get the same banal convos with construction dudes, retail bros, and oldfags all day long - day shift is best for this.

I go about 1x/month to blow off steam - it’s not as hard as you’d think! It’s more about the hunt for me.
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Would fuck that crack whore
Would book for an hour to fuck
Same here.
I want to lick her sweaty asshole.
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dated a girl who did stripping on the side, she had the nicest, softest body ive ever seen, never got the chance to have her dance for me before she up and vanished one day, shame really.
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My Slut
I usually hate lip work, but I'll make an exception for her
stop being a dumbass cuck; just install a pole and platform in your home
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please fuck off back to pornhub comments you redditspacing faggot
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serious question, will strippers fuck you in those private rooms, or is that just a meme?

Depending on the clubs policy and the stripper, a lot of them absolutely will.

That's why before you enter the champagne room, talk through what you intend to do with the stripper and discuss prices. Last time I went a few years ago to Filmore's with a buddy, I got a lap dance and blowjob for $100 flat from this thicc Latina by being upfront about why I was there.

Make friends with the strip club bartenders too to figure this out. A good way to gauge the working girls is to not just blow all your money to get into the back room, but grab a few drinks and see what the vibe is.
Ex stripper friend from highschool

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Will dump more if anyones interested
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hell yeah dude, she's both cute and sexy
Where does she strip at?
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Voodoo Lounge in Perth then moved to The Mens Gallery in Melbourne. She doesnt strip anymore tho, got a corporate job.

Shes an exotic little eurasian slut
damn, she was actually a hot one. Lucky whoever gets with her now! If you got any more pix dump 'em, she's too hot not to share.
At least people online can still see her bare naked!
Some more private pics
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>talk through what you intend to do with the stripper and discuss prices
Really? A while back I mentioned to a stripper that I wanted to lick her nipples and bite her ass and she let me do that in the private room. How do you even approach something more than that? I imagine you cant just say "hey, will you blow me in the back for X amount?" or she will scream to the bouncers to kick you out.
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Is it worth it to go to a strip clubs? I live some what close to one but I'm a little bit autistic and a neet, will I just creep out the girls? :(
Nta but it really depends on the club and the girl. The clubs near me I usually have to speak in euphemisms on the floor but then I tell her in the private rooms what I actually want. I've gotten numerous handjobs, a few blow jobs, and gotten to finger a few strippers. A few of them offered sex but it was exorbitantly expensive like $1000+ which was not worth it at all. Some of the girls will be grossed out or just get up and leave but I've yet to be kicked out. These women want to make money and most of them are willing to be sluts for money.
>will I just creep out the girls?
The girls are going to creep you out. When not dancing, they are waitressing in their underwear and will smile at you, say hello, be cheery and friendly and hope you tip well or pay for a lap dance. Having an mostly undressed, pretty woman walk right up to you and say "hello" is unnerving the first few times.
>Having an mostly undressed, pretty woman walk right up to you and say "hello" is unnerving the first few times
Kek I probably be struggle to say anything back " Hey!! Mm... You like
Roman Empire?.. "
>tip well or pay for a lap dance
How much would count as a good tip? And can I buy them a drink even though i'm "considered underage"
I'm 19 but American have gay laws
Small world, I dated a few girls from Dollhouse in Perth.
>Kek I probably be struggle to say anything back " Hey!! Mm... You like
>Roman Empire?.. "
They would just roll with it. These girls are professionals. I think the three types of people that go there are old divorced boomers, fratboy /construction crew party dudes, and autistic nerds and they now how to talk to each specific group of men.
Just sit at the bar, order a soda water and one of them will walk up and be all handsy and flirty with you and go from there.
>Just sit at the bar, order a soda water and one of them will walk up and be all handsy and flirty with you and go from there.
Alright thanks for that tips anon
Who is this butt goddess?
>all the 50 year olds seething in the replies
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Good thread, lads

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