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Post girls cosplaying as elf, succubus, fairy, goblin, etc.
No furries please!!!
Background: I am just back from a LARP where a lot of beautiful girls were wearing costumes and I have a new fetish lol.
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princess mononopanties
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Lol nice!
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What I like about her is the nipple piercings have jewelry that look like they could be from a fantasy setting so it doesn't yank you out of it.
love that lore accuracy!
She needs pubes
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Bump for lovely fantasy girls.
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>Background: I am just back from a LARP where a lot of beautiful girls were wearing costumes and I have a new fetish lol.
You haven't been anywhere you larping boomer.
Who is she,?
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I'm always in favour of more Helly without paying $500 a go
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Also, Aeris?
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Too much airbrushing on most of these... Just looks like plastic.
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>t. hasn't seen grass in 8 years.
fuckin hell nothin beats a witchbitch
With that amount of photo shop work it would have been quicker to skip dressing her up.
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Any more of her? Or Zelda in general?
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whats the deal with you people? hairfags are the vegans of this board.
um did you know im a vegan? I dont eat mean or use animal products. did you know that? ill be sure to remind you tomorrow.
They're as bad as foot fetishists in that it's objectively ugly but they developed a fetish. And you know what? Fine, whatever, but shut the fuck up and stop trying to project it as the "normal" position. It's not. It's a fetish and no amount of screaming "pedo" or or whatever else will keep them from sounding like the absolute spergtard autists that they are.
Holy fuck sauce please?
Demona is so fucking underrated.
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thanks anon
God damn perfection
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now this is bloody good
DESdemona. uncultured fuck.
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Question, how is it cosplay without clothing?
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Do succubi count?
wig, hair avvessories, makeup, cosmetic lenses, jewellery, body paint, body accessories
Do you recognize this character >>22005015?
If so then I think they did a good job, cosplaying.
The title did say nude fantasy. One of us actually read the assignment.
Not that anon, but i dont. Its star wars due to the light saber but i have no idea who she represents. Its not rey, its not kylo ren so im stumped. Captain phasma?
>Question, how is it cosplay without clothing?
To me that's part of the creativity if a girl can manage to do a cosplay and make it recognizable but also specifically be fully exposed. Hair, make-up, accessories, all that can make it work if they are clever. If they aren't then yeah, it doesn't look like much. I always think of it like "what if X character wanted to also expose herself all the time while doing whatever that character does."
Not only do they count, they're kino.
That one could use less filters though.
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Why does it look like she's retarded?
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She has makeup on to make it look like she's crying, it makes most of the set awful, I only saved this one for her body.
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dubs of justice and beauty
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Yeah man. Chick is a complete goddess. I always save her photos.
Anon, do you have a black and white pic of a woman with a black hood, somewhat like the KKK and wearing a leather jacket and holding a mace? Feels inspirared by black metal also. More dark and medieval cosplay if you have them, anons pls. I lost all my pics. I remember I've saved lots of pics from an /s/ thread called dark & edgy cosplay or something like this.
We need more of her.
She is a 10/10 godess, holy shit.
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I have a HUGE Tinkerbell fetish and I would drop serious coin for the chance to actually spend the night with someone like OP's pic or picrel...
Why don't you go rope yourself, asshole, instead of fucking up a perfectly good thread, you know nothing about what happens outside of your mom's basement.
You want Emma Kotos then.
Perfect example of what Tink would look like if she was real.
I would fuck my life up for that slit jesus
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>Emma Kotos
Would love to see her cosplay as Tink! Thanks!
Holy shit i went to high school with this girl. Blew many a load to her instagram
>Insert reaction meme: "He says he knows her!! She went to his school! LOLOL!"
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Anyone know anything about this beautiful tiny creature?
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who are the cuties?
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The characters or the cosplayers?
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Damn bros...
I wanna say its from disgaea but im not sure who the woman is. But if you like it then check out disgaea.
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Etna I believe
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I wish I liked chainsaw man
I'm mostly concerned with finding out who the woman cosplaying is but I do appreciate that you tried. From my searching I was able to find out that the character is kitagawa marin dressed up as rizu-kyun from the series titled sono bisque doll wa koi wo suru. No luck on the actual cosplayer yet.

By the way, I love disgaea.
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some euromutt whore larping as asian
How dare someone not be 100% true when they put on a costume
Thank you, that is what I needed.
I saw the file name too but thank you.
It's the succubus cosplay from My Dress-Up darling.
Who is this?
nobody cares about an ugly whore like that. what a disgusting taste.
The "ugly" whore name is Axilirator
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A small amount of well-maintained pubic hair is just fine, but some people take it way too far, and armpit hair is absolutely unacceptable.
Awwww... did the widdle baby get hims feeling hurted by a mean ol' girl? Waaaa Waaaa!
Obviously that's fine. I'm talking about the actual fetishists that go on about "huge bush" and all that. It's like anything else; the fetishists go way overboard but still try to insist it's a general widespread preference. I have my own weird fetishes (which I won't be getting into) but I'll admit right away I'm a weirdo. I don't project them onto everyone else.
Thanks anon.
source? set name?
i might be in love
That's "Rocksy Light"
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Bumping for more sexy Tinker Bell.
>Although picrel seems to be more of a hybrid Tink/Lei.
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thanks so much they're very pretty and cute
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Naked Orrin? Nice
Is hidori rose still around? She was so hot and then she changed her body and face changed too. I liked hidori much more than lana rain.
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i think she got better
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Americans should LARP irl and outside but not online. You guys get stupid crazy insane if you LARP online.
Don't care.
Go neck yourselves, purist fag.
Weird looking Cinderella.
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>>Jump straight to Star Wars for sarcastic and moronic reply
Definitely an MERICAN INCEL.
Fuck off. This ain't /r/
American Incels have zero awareness, you should know this by now.
Pedo from funnyjunk detected.
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She's still doing porn? Shouldn't she be set for life? Considering she's always been at least somewhat popular and has been active for 15 years or something...
weird thing is that she looks better now..
miracles of plastic surgery... or just photo filters idk idc
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not that anon, but spy x
the headband gives it away, yor's the only one I've seen so far with that headband.
Yeah, somewhat. I didn't get why people were into her back then other than the novelty of her hair color(s). Nowadays I think she doesn't look too bad. Honestly could just be she learned to apply makeup better. Idk
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Bruh, she *has* pubes. Look again.
Sorry. I still prefer Darkness.
Not real big on fairy tale characters, are ya, bozo?

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