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I think its cute and gives a lot of personality to her. No ahegao or anything like that, stuff you'd see in real life only.
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oooo... is this mai ling, or whatever the girl's name was that did the facial abuse vid just to spite her father?
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my gifs were apparently too low resolution
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This is me at 21yooo !
The Bear S03
why is this thread so jewy
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Are women's face so inexpressive and bland ? Maybe the tastelessness of their souls shows through
Go be stupid somewhere else.
You're a cute slut
Got any more?
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>Cute lively faces
>Wrinkly forehead

god cant tell if this woman is old or white girl's skin normally loses its smooth dewy texture after 25
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this is literally the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen
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finally i get to post my queen
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Actually thats their passive aggressive way of saying Fuck You, you are never having sex with me ever, no matter how nice I act around you, go back to masturbating forever you loser freak
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too gummy
Sauce? Looks just like my HS crush.
Goldman & Sachs VP no less, kek.
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>stuff you'd see in real life only
wtf is this onions face
Looks AI
>Stuff you'd see in real life only
>Posts AI

this board is fucking hopeless
pixe lated eri ca from tiktok
she's... Just like that
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i'm in love! who is this?!
What a cute innocent virgin girl.
Captcha: SAAR
Holy shit the AI in this is hilarious. What's up with the elbow face in the corner? How the fuck is the girl in the background going to hold that teacup with stubs? The waitress has her shoes on backward, and they're fucking tiny. The main girl's hands are so fucked up too. How the fuck does any dumbass think AI is remotely attractive may be just a reflection of how fucking retarded some people are. Hell, all the fucking americunts believe that obesity is 'normal' and call it "high test" or whatever the fuck to cover over the fact that they're attracted to unhealthy people because that's all they fucking see in their shit lives.

God damn you fucking idiot.
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dare i ask which loona this is
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at least she tried
thought i was going crazy
Like a doe in headlights
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t-shirt > teefs
Ms. Bean?
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>I used to look at pics/vids of Mayli and kek.

>Then her dad tried to make things right for her (and himself) by attempting to rid the internet of her films.

>A Sisyphean task if ever there was. And he died knowing he'd failed.
>t. a dad. That's just sad.
That's Mayli. A very real girl. She's a spoiled rich kid who became a meme on here for doing Facial Abuse to spite her dad. That specific photo is years old too, older than the idea of AI pictures was in anyone's mind.

You AI hysterics have become clinically braindead. You're reduced to gibbering rabies-frothing retards by this point.
lmao @ (You) microbrain newfags
>I dont understand. why has every civilization on earth put all these restrictions on womens freedom?
it's just zoomy newfags. Soon as they figure out who it is they'll be asking for 4k ver. of her facial abuse vids.

Like I said t. dad and i genuinely felt sorry for her old man - all he wanted to do was fix the world for his little girl and he died knowing he'd failed.

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