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This slut gets me going
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Fucking old bitch
ben affleck what you doing here bro
Old whore
Your mom.
Please say dirty things about my wife, 4chan. I need it to get hard. Things have been boring since Jeffrey killed himself.
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Guys I'm so close, please please coom to my wifeee
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gets you going where? To the retirement home to visit her?
i hope you were stroking to her while posting these i love that fat puerto rican ass. its hot knowing others stroke to her as well
Jennifer garner is 10x hotter. Ben Affleck is one stupid mick for switching to a used up beaner.
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love jerking to this old hag
Id still fuck the shit out of that sexy whore if she were 60
So hot
she'z not old but yea
>Jennifer garner is 10x hotter.
But she does seem like she has a good heart
Not her anon
Anyone have young jennifer lopez
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There’s something about her face I don’t like. But I can’t put my finger on it. Still, I will always remember that music video where she does a high kick and there is a slow motion side view of a sliver of her ass cheek.
she has strong hispanic genes which giver her a mannish face just like Salma Hayek, both have nice bodies though
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Salma Hayek is of lebanese and spanish decent, born in mexico.
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Fake but stil hot
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Both are hot. But jlo is such a diva bitch I cant stand her.
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It's funny that with other older women they get called milfs and shit and yet jlo is just called an old bitch lmao.
She is a 100% certified MILF
Ass- fuck , only but ass and cum in her face while she scream papi
Is that , or nothing
i could solve the dehydration problem in at least one african village by feeding them the cum i spilled over the video for this song
worth a bump
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She's called that by jealous roasties
Yeah, she's old, but she's still sexy as fuck.
What music video is that?
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bet he means if you had my love

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