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Hairy pussies, hairy assholes, hairy pits, hairy legs, treasure trails, hairy nipples, you name it. The less they shave or trim, the better.
Try to keep them sexy and under 30. Definitely no wives allowed.
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go on
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she's the stuff
Who is the first girl?
This is a very flammable thread.
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hair on buttcheeks is crazy
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yeah it's amazing
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Ever imagine you being completely without any body hair, and your girl with a thick bush and hairy armpits? Your shaved dick dwarfed by her hairy pussy?
wouldn't happen, i'm no trimmer
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nah sounds gay.
That's my life. I shave several times a week and my wife hasn't shaved since 2020.
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>> 22001918 #

That’s so hot.

How did that come about? How does she feel about it? Is she more dominant?
would be hot if she grew it out properly.
gotdamn she's so pretty
she'd be even prettier if she wasn't fat
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>Try to keep them sexy and under 30
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now that's a shot
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this count?

Would love for you to jerk me off with that faggot hand.
>faggot hand
>not hairy
Never post again. Both of you faggots.
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>"Definitely no wives allowed."
>posts wife
>also faggot hand
kill yourself.
literally not even bothering to post anything new until the faggot hands get removed.
the wifeposters are retarded for not stopping but those people that get their ass hurt by it are even bigger fucking retarded crybabies

just post hairy bitches and go along with the thread instead of "uuu faggot hands removed else i wont post!!!!!!"
has moderation given up at this point, or what?
I refuse to post on a board that isn't properly moderated as a matter of principle. posting just isn't fun when everybody posts whatever the fuck they want, with no regard for the rules.

these wife-posting, faggot hand-posting faggots are dragging down the quality of every thread they post in. the mods/jannies know it's a general problem on this board and yet they do nothing about it.
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I'm a natural sub... so she fills in the gap. Pegging is her favorite activity.
>I'm a natural sub
Men aren't submissive, you fucking failure.
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Sauce please
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Ah yes... fucking pussy "sounds gay" to this fag
How's 8th grade, bro?
I was talking about the "shaving your whole body" part you stupid faggot.
Oh, so I'm the one who's immature, you projecting emasculated faggot? That's really funny. You're literally a man that enjoys getting fucked in the ass and wants to shave his entire body to be dominated by a hairy woman. You lack basic masculine features such as dominance, assertiveness, respecting yourself and being an independent leader who takes shit from nobody, especially women. We need men to be leaders for society to function, and we need women to be sumbissive because that's the natural order of things.

We can all see what happens if we give women too much power. In fact women are the happiest when they have a strong, independent leader to look up and submit to, even if they don't always vocalize it. The problem is that men left and right are forgetting how to be men, and people like you are the perfect example of that. It's like a fucking epidemic. It's why simp culture became a thing in the first place.

You're exactly the product that the globalists want to turn us into. For them, testosterone is a disease that needs to be eradicated. Your behavior why I called you a failure. You fail at being a man on a basic level and you're contributing to the downfall of our society as a whole.
Holy shit, you really are more retarded than wifeposters, going on your rant. This is a thread for jacking off to hairy girls. Go back to /pol/ or anywhere else.
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shut up, soi boi.
keep consooming and sucking klaus schwab's microdick.
sauce? loving the long, thick pit hair.
sauce or moar?
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sexsoda on reddit
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Hilarious. I enjoy my life and I get laid constantly. How you doing?
You aren't speaking to the correct poster. That said, get in line to blow me.
same to you then >>22010472
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Hairy pits from my saved folder
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Thread theme

>Tart - Hairy Cooter
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nice, socials or more?
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get the fuck out off this website you phoneposting, social media consuming normalfag.
Yeah I'd rather be a pedophile than into this shit
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If this doesn't turn you on, or at least make your dick twitch, you're a failure as a man. It literally doesn't get more womanly, pure and breedable than this.

There is NOTHING that screams "breed me" more than an attractive woman who doesn't shave. This is what we as men men instinctively crave. It's how women were made for us.
he's probably just young
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Funnily enough, I've been into hairy women since I was a teen. There's just something so pure about them.
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Another thinly veiled faggot thread
so hot!! please name?

names pls?
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first one is saharbby
last two is StickDue5482
the only faggot in here is you
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CaireenOnline on reddit
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seconding this
i think i'm going to start humping my monitor, she looks so hot
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she's one of the all time greats.
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_Hot_babe69 on reddit
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>OP specifically states no wives allowed
>posts wife anyway
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are you 12 and what is this?
Hygiene is important. Unless you're lazy and don't care.
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>thinks shaving has got anything to do wtih hygiene
So you're 12, gotcha.
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Dirt, sweat, and oil, accumulate on a person with excessive amounts of hair. Then the bacteria multiply faster because of that. Either you're ignorant, or you know this and want a reply to (you).
>what is a shower
How's life in streetshitistan?
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I'd post one more picture if the troll didn't steal the last image slot.
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>>22013863 is Rina Nonomura.
that looks heavenly
image limit reached
there's a new thread already:
fucking yummy
Sauce on this? Anyone?
and it smells so fucking good!
aerobic conditions vs anaerobic, you dumb faggot
it's why hair smells better than the crease under a huge tit

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