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As the title says, a thread about sharing pics and accs on Twitter producing pics with artistic, photographic and high production value
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Yumu Yuzuki

Btw, both accs (yumu_yuzuki and yuzuki_yumu) were banned. Anyone knows what happened?
And IIRC, there were pinned posts with links to Telegram channels. Anyone knows what they are or have links to them?
Go on...
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Do you have more of this woman, or more with similar tattooing?
Gonna ration things to prolong the thread

My favorite is still Yumu Yuzuki's works and I have hundreds of them so they'll take up most of this thread unless others start contributing

This thread, aside from asking for recs, is also to find out what happened and where I can get more of their works.
More works on Twitter, specifically on @WANIMAL912
A lot of this acc's pics have tattoos
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>"Maybe OP won't be a faggot this time"
>OP is a faggot.
Don't know what I expected really.
What's that supposed to mean?
That I should just share what I have?
Or not be too clingy?
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I'm not sure you or other people even know what the term faggot means anymore. Faggots wouldn't be here of all places

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>too soon
> prolong the thread
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More wanimal
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Yumu Yuzuki
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Yumu Yuzuki
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yuzuki is sitting in prison right now.
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Yumu Yuzuki
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Yumu Yuzuki
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Yumu Yuzuki
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The faggot foot ruins it
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That's... it ? THAT's what you're so butthurt about?
Is THAT what this is about too? Seriously?
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