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Post images of Hitomi Tanaka
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I'll contrib
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Very epic
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this is quite a new pic of her no?
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Not sure, ive seen pics that look a lot like it around for some years now. She hasnt posted as much lately so its still one of the newer pics
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An all time great that embraced it
It's honestly a miracle that Hitomi exists and that she was willing to do straight up porn when she could have easily just done softcore if she wanted. There's a 99% chance you will never find a girl like Hitomi in the wild, if you see tits as big as hers they're either fake or on a landwhale
My ex wife was pretty near exact her dimension. Different ethnicity. Didn't do porn but cheated at work for promotions. So yeah rare indeed. But you can't keep them to yourself.
If you aren't larping I have my sincere respect.
>But you can't keep them to yourself.
Suppose that's the catch. I'm not a jealous guy but I would probably be incredibly paranoid if I had a wife with Hitomi proportions
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*you have
No not larping. This was some years ago so I can look back on it alright now. But legit when you find out your woman you bragged about for years is getting gangbanged by rich guys 20 years older than you at work.....it was a rough time in my life. Private investigator was like....yeah this isn't normal sorry bud. Like I was saying though. Huge tits will never stay faithful so don't try. The whole male race is trying to fuck your woman.
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All time great image
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How big do you guys think Hitomi could get during her potential lactation? I mean, lactating Anri got almost as big as hitomi's saggiest/largest, perhaps a bit bigger, and now she's gone back down to her regular size.

A lactating Hitomi could probably double her size, I hope we get to witness such mesmerizing gravity.
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worth a bump
Apparently Hitomi doesn't want a family, but she's still only 37, so that could change. Lots of women become mothers later in life these days.
it makes me truly sad that she has been titfucked by a nigger
Any other cock is drowned in a sea of breasts
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Man Hitomi is great , she was the woman that made so obsessed with huge tits. Just once I'd like to experience a titfuck from a woman with jugs as big as hers.
>family after 30
good luck with all the birth defects and autism
uh huh, and i bet you also are a navy seal with 300 confirmed kills
The giant bbc vid was a fake dick. You realize 3 foot dicks in porn are always fake right?
The P.I. I hired.....why would I have not just been able to.find everything always if I was the P.I.....
Fucking think. Most guys in longterm split of the unfaithful type hire a professional.
hitomi never did scat, why are you upset over it?
dude, PI's bread and butter is infidelity. that's mostly what they investigate.
rare vag shot
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If you were chad you wouldn't have gotten cucked thats normie shit
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I just want her to do one western scene before she retires. I don’t care who with or what company it’s for, I just want to see her taking dick uncensored once before I die
>before she retires
2 years too late for that buddy.
She still does softcore and girl/girl stuff. A new scene with her and Angela White came out like last week. I didn’t realize she retired from boy-girl stuff, though, I guess the new jav stuff being released was filmed a while ago. That’s a shame.
>new jav stuff being released
She doesn't have any new material being put out other than what she's done with Angela White
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The scenes with Angela and her onlyfans are all the new content she’s putting out, but she only updates her onlyfans page once a month, if that. The jav stuff being released is all old scenes in compilations, which is scummy of the production companies but if morons pay for old scenes it’s their own fault. At least she hasn’t gotten a reduction yet like a lot of big boob models do after they retire.
>The jav stuff being released is all old scenes in compilations, which is scummy of the production companies but if morons pay for old scenes it’s their own fault.
A lot of porn companies do that in general
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I mean I respect her choice to not have a family or at least to give the general public the impression that she's not interested, its probably better that she doesnt. But truth be told, we might be missing out on the most glorious female lactation known to man short of maybe Chesty Morgan's(aeons ago) and Abbi Secraa(should she chose to have a kid at some point), oh and probably Milena Velba, that must have been a sight to behold.

I think we got to see some of Nadine Jansen's lactation, she's gotten significantly bigger over the years but missing out on Hitomi's is quite a saddening fact to ponder about, 37 I think is far too late unless she pulls a biblical Sarah.
Everyone has a price. And rich dudes in their 50s enjoy finding it with younger women

Man, she's so ugly... Just look at her face. You can board a train in Tōkyō at any time and I promise you that any random woman there will be significantly more attractive than her. Those horrible giant breasts are just disgusting; like two garbage bags hanging in front of her 24/7. Unpleasant.

I wonder why you Anons like her. Mommy issues, perhaps?
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Yeah, it's a shame Hitomi didn't experience the beautiful process of pregnancy.

High levels of estrogen during pregnancy = Peak Hitomi Body (could have been)

Would love to see milk come out of her glorious tits.
you are gay
I won't deny she has an ugly face, but for some reason that just makes it better. Like it awakens something primal within me and I'm not sure why.
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....gonna have to bookmark this for later....
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take you meds
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Been cooming while admiring her face rather than her chest for years now. Having those massive boobs is amazing for sure, but far from her best aspect to me. Her face is way too beautiful.
Supreme boobage to be able to splay those tits like that!
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>trolling faggo feels the need to comment on something that doesnt interest them

thanks for your opinion, my opinion of you is that you are a useless time wasting faggot with no taste that thinks their opinion should be heard when it really doesnt. so, kys, no one gives a shit about you or anything you have to say.
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by the time she is a really old hag, those tits will be down to her knees
I want to see the youngest nude hitomi pic
I first saw a video of her in like 2008 back when her tits were still realistic; she would have been about 22
wonder what she looked like in high school
Yes..and? By the time you are an old faggot your asshole is going to go so deep it'll meet with your windpipe..AND for some people, like you, thats not a bad thing either. Theres plenty of blacked tranny threads over at /gif/, I think you should go there instead.
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