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Girls that are neither skinny nor fat, just a pleasant amount of padding. Very smooth and feminine with little visible muscle, bone, and sinew definition. Cute, soft faces and bodies, the kind of woman that triggers your nurturing/protective impulses.
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>starting the thread with a picture for ants
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Basically lazy women that just don't eat too much food, but never exercise.

Looks like she works out
the fact that we have to go 100 years into the past to find women like this is depressing and says so much about the society we're living in. back then women knew their place and they were happy in it. much happier than women today, who are never satisfied, no matter how much you accomodate them, they just want more.
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can you just look at the naked women and fuck off with the gender war shit
whos this
>just stop lamenting how shit we've made things goyim
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nah mate fuck that. I can't help but get depressed when I look at pictures of women from happier times.
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Does my wife count?
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woman on the OP is Lucette Desmoulins, who acted in movies and sang in theater. She was not a 'stay at home' 'knew her place' woman at all, she made some degree of fame and wealth
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We'll need moar to decide!
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Very nice. Moar?
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What the fuck is wrong with retards that go into promising threads and shit them up with these ugly saggy hags? There's been no good fap material for the past week and I'm tired of you middle aged limpdick faggots, stay in your cow threads.
Shelby Ball
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wifeposters should be drawn and quartered
there were no happier times, you're stupid
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It's surprisingly very hard to find normal weight women on the internet. They're either skinny to the point where you can see their bones or fat 'plus-sized' whales with cellulite, nothing in between
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>healthy weight women
>mostly fat fucks being posted
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How dumb do you have to be to think that women who were willing to take nude picks from 100 years ago "knew their place". If you see a picture of a naked woman from a century ago I promise you that chick was a fucking Freak in her prime.
Nude photography wasn't as uncommon or taboo as you probably think, especially not in France
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>back then women knew their place and they were happy in it.
3 lies in one sentence.
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love me some love handles
So you're telling me women DIDNT know their place and were happier, back when:

-The roles of men and women in society were clearly defined, based on their EVOLUTIONARY ORIGINS and not twisted by ideas of modern society, such as the cancer known as feminism?

-Masculinity wasn't seen as "toxic" but rather something that people LOOKED UP TO because it meant leadership qualities and the ability to make rational decisions and actually get shit done?

-Women were actually ROMANTICIZING masculine, assertive, rational, independent men with leadership qualities?

The fact of the matter is that women, from a purely evolutionary standpoint, were always meant to be in a submissive role. This is the thing that the feminists out there don't want to hear. But women were never meant to be the leader, even their anatomy reflects this. Their role is to bear and nurture their children, while the man as the stronger sex was out gathering food as well as protecting and making the decisions for their families. And for millenia, both men and women were happy in their roles, because they're fulfilling their biological purposes and they were complimenting each other perfectly not despite but BECAUSE of their differences.

That is the natural order of things, and no matter how hard feminism tries to create a perverted version of our species, this natural order will NEVER change, because it's embedded in our DNA.
Also to add to that:
It's exactly these gender roles that the feminists now consider "antiquated" which have actually ensured the survival of our species and made us come as far as we did as a people. Without them, we would have gone extinct hundreds of millenia ago. Let that sink in for a minute.
>the ability to make rational decisions
like war, road rage, random assaults, suicide, and thrill killings.
/s/ may not be the board for you.
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>evolutionary origins
If you actually take 'evolutionary psychology' seriously you're retarded. it's a meme field. All of the behavioral sciences have lost their authority and been debunked after the replication crisis, and evo psych has always been the biggest retarded meme of all of them. All the stupid culture war/gender war shit is corporate-driven social engineering to divert attention away from economic oppression. (That's not a conspiracy theory, there are documents with explicit plans to push "cultural issues" in the public mind so that people will focus on that instead of doing things like building democratic/egalitarian worker-run businesses.)

Anyways go back to /pol/, this is a board for appreciating women, we like women here
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you're actually retarded and I mean that with respect - its tough I haven't seen this level of retardation with such emphatic retardness since back then in the good days. If I eat a sandwhich, a good healthy serving that satiates me - I am no longer hungry. If I shack up with some nasty gross simpleton - I am not satiated, I remain vigilant, I keep my eyes on the next man that may exemplify the traits that could satiate me and my children. TLDR: its you, you fat ugly pig, you skinny impotent life-long loser - fill in the blank dumbfuck nerd
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There's just something about Virginia. Well-fed, fertile, and perfectly proportioned breasts, belly, and ass.
too long
didnt read
your a faggot
> as the strong sex was out gathering food as well as protecting
Women also gathered, but okay
> and making the decisions for their families?
The what now? Men were the stronger sex, so they could use violence against women?
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an antisocial creep like you would be alone and alcoholic back then too you retard
Klimt's Danae is one of my favourites
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I think the woman in this pic is so fkin hot, I wish I had more of her. She was posted on here by some other anon.
all the women in these type of old photos were prostitutes or extremely rich and succesfully artists who could afford to not give a fuck about societal norms of their time
>everyone is as bitter and insufferable as i am
>they have to be or else i would have to face the fact that im this way of my own making!
source on this girl?
I bet you take Andrew Tate seriously, you fucking retard. God, what a hell of a shitpost. Enjoy your spineless, weak willed, trailer trash women.
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Oh my god can you guys just enjoy the hot women without whining about how you’re virgins with fragile egos
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Get fucked nihilist faggot.
more vintage please
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It's crazy how the only insults women/male feminists can pull out are "omg you fucking virgin you could never fuck me/my hag wife". Seethe you molested bitch
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Millions of men spilled their seed over this image.
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This is my type, no one understands how hard it is to find women of this Phenotype nowadays, nearly an extinct variant.
Rare German-American phenotype on display here, Almost completely extinct.
It's a logical conclusion mate. How do you think men and women got along before the advent of society. Each had their evolutionary predefined roles.and they're still instinctively imprinted within us. Both sexes have to compliment each other as far as their traits go, otherwise our species would have never survived as long as it did.

Not sure why that's so hard to grasp for some people.
Found the annoying feminist cunt.
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