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South East Asian girls are simply delicious.
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Vietnamese are phenotypically East Asian. They are grouped in Southeast Asia for geographical reasons.
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More oily Asians please
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damn, butterface central
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Hot af, also knowing that these sexy bodies are attached to nice traditional wholesome girls is such a plus
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I miss the plain nerdy asian girl threads.
What a doll.
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not sure if sea but brown enough
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>attached to nice traditional wholesome girls
south east asian countries are like number one sex tourism locations for man.
but than again prostitution is pretty traditional.
Who is this?
Moana Rosi / Tita Sahara
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Anyone have any Burmese women? Knew this girl in NY who drove me wild.
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half burmese
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More please
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>knowing that these sexy bodies are attached to nice traditional wholesome girls
least delusional /s/ poster
where are the nudes
is that sarcasm? I really thought these girls were all trads and nice

We are on /s/ "Sexy Beautiful Women". There nothing sexy or beautiful here, you're just desperate or your baseline is very low. Don't post this disgusting gross shit here.
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Nice brown anuses. My favorites.
thanks for the pic recommendations
the best kind of ass
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100% agree, I dunno why people have to ruin good threads with some of the ugliest bitches I've ever seen in my life, I mean you gotta dig deep to find women with such ugly mongoloid faces, what's the point?
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>be me living in Paris
>always be content with fucking average white girls, the occasional black, and usually thick and chubby
>somehow match with a slim indonesian girl on exchange here
>super horny
>tight brown and pink pussy
>always immaculate, tastes good, neat trimmed hair
>sucks dick like a succubus
>easy to make her cum from penetration

God damn it, this bitch gave me an asian fetish I never knew I had
There's like an 80 percent chance every one of these girls except far left is a man
Then there’s an 80% chance I’m gay!
Bout to suck a dick tonight!
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Half indonesian half italian chick from my hs
slim? That's pretty fat by asian standards lol
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She is lovely
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Moar of this chocolate oriental lass
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Girl in red yellow and green is "praewasian"; she's a girl.
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hottest bitch alive right now in my opinion
>hottest bitch alive right now in my opinion
you're not wrong there mate, thanx for the pic dump
Did this slut ever move on to porn or just make lame tiktok
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My buddy went to a NorCal barber/beautician school with a bunch of viet/thai/hmong chicks who, judging by their looks and behavior, were probably current or former AMP workers. Goddamn, those bitches were horny, nasty, freaky, down for 3 and 4 ways. Great memories.

There’s something about the copper-skinned SEA women that makes my dick twitch.
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se asian ass is the best
Outside of the Philippines, the only country on earth with more legal sway granted to the Roman Catholic Church is the Valitan city itself. It's why divorce is illegal.
The ugly truth about underage sex crimes, is that 99% of the time, the perpetrator is not some random white tourist. The predator is almost universally not only a local, but a direct relative of the victim.
Like 20% of pinay girls are already single mothers by the time they're 20 because the RCC commands absenent only sex education, and lies (or is silent about) any form of contraception. Teenagers fuck, and the boy gets hidden away by his family in a different province so the girl has to raise the fatherless child alone.

That's what traditionalism gets you in reality.
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A lot of mean posts , but you are right most of the women in south east Asia who didn’t have problems growing up are saving themselves since if they don’t really and thing befall them . Most will know if they will marry you or not at the 3rd date , if you dates round like you do in america while after going on a date with a women then it’s easy to piss them off. But when you get used to it , it’s the way things should be
my girlfriend is cambodian. slim waist and huge ass. gets me fucking rock hard.
>no OC
prove it
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That's not a huge ass or thin waist
Maybe he's Unitedstatesian.
Yummy! Thanks for sharing!
I grew up in an area about 35% Filipino, have Filipino friends, had Filipina girlfriends, married one. Incest? Not an issue because it’s a worse sin than “just” fucking a kid. In the slums of the larger cities in PI, poor parents will pimp their children (sons included ) out. Incest? Not that I’ve ever heard, and you know how those motherfuckers can gossip.

IMHO, any relationship is a gamble, so stack the odds in your favor the best you can. Yes, lots of SEA scammers, green card hunters, family welfare providers. But, the odds of getting a trad wife in SEA are still better than in the west.
she was born in cambodia
this chick is ran through by nggers,
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She has an onlyfans account
>That's what traditionalism gets you in reality
If you don’t marry then that’s as traditional as american’s single motherhood hellscape.
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confirmed or r u just ghey? (ur ghey either way)
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Then start one instead of bitching about what other people are or aren't doing.
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