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/s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women

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Girls from Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal and France. Or who look like they could be from these countries.
She's from Ukraine
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Looks half-spic but I am NOT the expert on these things.
Either Italian or Hispanic
my man in the back, playing wonderwall.
Looks brazilian desu, of italian ancestry.
This woman was literally too beautiful for the internet, all trace of her disappeared after this.
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She turned into a hippie there were some photos of her getting high in a beach
>that nose
What fucking nose?
way too big
>no discernible tats or mutilations
a literal unicorn
>literally too beautiful for the internet
>looks like every other spay tanned dyed hair social media bimbo
You must be one of those Zoomer faggots who jerks off to catboys with tiny Michael Jackson noses.
A spanish and two greek girls
All women from the Mediterranean area are the absolute most beautiful of all, and I’m done pretending otherwise.
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started out good
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Does sephardic jew counts ? Like this beaut
Why is this the case? I'm from the US and am traveling Europe now. I've seen some high school field trips and the girls from Spain & Italy are fucking ridiculous. In my class there would have been 5-10% hot girls max, but the ratio for these bitches is like half of them or more are 10s. it's insane.
jew from the usa
We are talking about women
You talk about girls in high school bro, it's not the same. Trust me. European women have style, they are thiner and they are less stupid. In general.
I love this pic
thats mia maievska https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11453754/
Who is this
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she looks like marta igarreda (mexican)
fir for a summer fling
from Spain :)
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British spanish girl
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no one knows italians race
>We are talking about women
>You talk about girls in high school bro
This. Putain de pédophile de merde.
Who's this girl?
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Italian women are the most beautiful in the world
They are young women. They are usually sexually developed. Adolescence is a social construct. (the basis for school is, too.) My grandmother married my grandfather when she was 14 years old.

No, I'm not recommending that adult men try to sleep with girls still in high school. That's generally a bad idea and if I saw one that was doing this, I would think something was likely wrong with him. Teenagers are not more attractive than women in their 20's+ so there is no rational reason to pursue them. But no, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with people 18+ having sex with people below 18 either, and it's plain wrong to call it "pedophilia" if the person in question is a teenager. Pedophilia means attraction to prepubescent children. Yes, it's ephebophilia, if anything, and it's stupid to act like there's no difference for the same reason it's stupid to act like there's no difference between a prepubescent child and a teenager.
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This is just from one of those "people on the street react to being told they're beautiful" Youtube videos.

Based but these american faggots will never understand bro.
>I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with people 18+ having sex with people below 18 either
Many retards out there will say a relationship between an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old is unacceptable. They say that cause they're retarded. However, it's not wise to act as though there cannot be a massive (mental) maturity differential between what you refer to as "young women", that is, fully developed teenage girls as young as 14, and boys from 18 to 20 years old.
Superb proportions.
she doesn't appear on this video
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This young gal is a rare beauty. Up with Blondie.
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<3 <3 <3 cutie
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that's the fitgirl repack girl
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> However, it's not wise to act as though there cannot be a massive (mental) maturity differential between what you refer to as "young women", that is, fully developed teenage girls as young as 14, and boys from 18 to 20 years old.
Absolutely. That’s why even most of their ultra horny peers think 18 year old high school senior males who cruise junior high schools for naive 14 or 15 year old girls are dirtbags.
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>massive (mental) maturity differential
You seem to think all 18 to 20 year olds are mature. They aren't. Just as all 14 year olds are immature. Some aren't. And I'm not saying this because I think 14 year olds should be dating. Hell, I think 16 year olds shouldn't be dating. Seems to me there are far more important things to do at that age.
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do italian women still make wine by stepping grapes?
this is pretty surely ai. dont post that shit here.
Chi è?
Chi è?

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