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Who the fuck is Jenna
I think her full username is jenna_is_alive
some random insta whore pushing her own account. sad
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I wish, she’s set to private recently on twitter and insta
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watch out my vidéos here
Instagram : vanillabigoo
I wonder if her OP regrets posting her. She’s since gone private on all her social media lol, so i assume she’s seen her public pics reposted
love that panty line
can’t find her twitter. what is it
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Sadly she is on private now.
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I find it ridiculous that even fat women nowadays are littered with tattoos. this is usually a thing that narcissists do. fat chicks shouldn't be narcissist, they should be humble, insecure and attainable and most importantly, don't ruin their already disfugured body even more by littering it with tattoos. I bet she actually thinks she's hot shit. it's we live in a upside down world.

I guess this is the result when a bunch of undignified online simps give women attention on the internet JUST because they happen to be female.
Perfect for face sitting.
her ass is very nice
Post more Jenna. Where can I find her pics to dl?
This pose is so hot. Love the jeans stretched over her cheeks and the belt straining against her booty
How do you even exist without blowing your head off? God damn dude
wtf is wrong with tattoos lol? what kind of women do you like, “pure” tradwife types so they’ll obey you for fear of getting beaten?
Come on OP, there has to be more of her, right?
not OP but yes
holy shit
I miss those good old days when the jews controlled pornography.
Need this baddie sitting on my face
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Same brother
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Jen sure is peachy
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holy fuck
Don’t think anything beats the OP pic. What an ass on this girl.
When’s the next pic drop boys? Need more of Jenna today
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Ugly tats
i never get enough of her hot legs
So what's her deal? She has Insta/Twitter but is private? Weird for a thirst trapper. How long has she been at it? No Onlyfans hinting?
she's hotter than anyone you'll ever have.
Used to not be private lol. Probably got wind of people posting her pics but she posted it all publicly sooo
If they sentenced me to death I'd request that she sit on my face until dead
Guys the entire point of girls like this is that they're attainable, you don't have to pretend they're supermodels when they aren't around
Unless the jews were successful and "tattoos + cottage cheese + peter griffin chin" is actually the new beauty standard
I'll still plap that nerdy femcel pussy
Oh yeah still same, it's just important to not overfeed their egos so they remain attainable
Damn she is exactly my type. Fantastic ass.
Same bro keep coming back to this thread for her. I hope this isn’t all there is of her. Surely there’s more out there
does she know?
where are the cooch shots
amen bro. a super mid 5/10 bitch who obviously let herself go and got trashy tattoos. but coomers gonna coom
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just her smile make me hard but fuck
her legs killing me
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that's everything i have of jen that wasn't posted already. hope others have more!
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need to see her ass in these tight skirts and dresses good lord. i would wonder what she's wearing under there but there's pics of her in underwear ITT lol.
jen is caked up something fierce. cute face too. shame about the tats but desu its fine
i love her style too
need more ass in leggings or compression shorts
yeah fat chicks with tats are pathetic i dont care if theres a billion coomers who would fuck them thats just men

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