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Tiered of all these boomerlennials and their bloated up hag wives, let's get some high quality Gen Z women up in here fr fr.
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Hormone filled processed foods si making zoomer genetics go insane
>food is changing their genes!
You are impressively clueless
require her name

I love nerdy looking phat ass white girls
Fuck, why are they all fat?
First day on the job?
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He's right, anybody who thinks even half the bitches in this thread are 10/10s should be lobotomized.
thank you
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asterickss on discord
Genz girls are not good looking no cap
This zoomette aged like milk
> tattoos
Ms. Piggie and Ms. Troon in the shopping mall
Ms Piggie
Iehhhhh, Awhhh! Iehhhhh, Awhhh!
Buildin' for the BBC
Left 5/10, right 6/10
Ms Piggie
Ms Piggie
>Iehhhhh, Awhhh! Iehhhhh, Awhhh!
Can I get a translation?
“Straight” men who hate big tits are something else. What actually is a 10/10 to you? All I ever see is fags whining about how such and such woman isn’t a 10/10. Maybe there is no such thing as a 10/10. Who gives a fuck? Idk I’m just here to look at boobs and not interested in sperging out over which woman is the best. If she gets my dick hard she’s good enough.
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Who is the girl on the right?
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It's faggotry, pure and simple. Straight men don't look at a girl with big tits or a fat ass and say "ew she's fat". I've met one guy in my entire life who was always nitpicky about every small detail girls have and a few years later he comes out as gay, same situation here.
Girls have certainly gotten fatter.
and sadder, and lip injections

nice tits & tum
damn who is this?
Have some standards.
She deactivated her account but it used to be @caarly23
Please post an example of a woman you consider attractive, this should be good.
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One who doesn't have to stop to catch her breath walking through a park.
Oh yeah I forgot, you can't post your collection of femboy twinks, against the boards rules, carry on.
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That's not how you donkey faggot. What backwater 3rd world shithole did you grow up in?
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Lol cry more faggot
bro malding no cap
She is at best a five
Fuck off please. No one likes you.
>retard haircut
>septum piercings

wow what's not to love
>Tired of all these bloated up hag wives
>What we really need is bloated up zoomers
Yea great work OP.
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Personal fav
this is the best synopsis of a guy’s perspective I’ve read in a while
post bmi you greasy chinless freak
Only niggers like these greasy blobs of fat.
Goddamn I am gooning for this grass-fed zoomer. Excellent little fuckpig.
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>3 day old stale as fuck bait list
>4 newfags fall for it
If it wasn't tiresome before it is now.
There's no more room for doubt at this point anymore
that's such a based skibidy gyatt, fr fr
more like Generation Uncanny Valley
Uh, yeah.... bait.... not that op has a fat fetish.
>bloated up
>See what's posted.
I see hotter zoomettes on TikTok and irl all the time.
Damn, never knew white boys were so gay, no wonder their women are breeding with brown and black chads.
I have little hope but any idea of source about this, especially the one on the right?
>dude you hate fat tits
no the girls are just fucking ugly, you can have big tits on a hot girl or big tits on an ugly girl, and you should have some fucking standards and not salivate over the latter
Go away, Eurasiantiger
Back to r/hapas, ugly chink incel
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>getting this mad over images of women with big tits and fat asses
>not gay
boomerlennials are extra mad today it seems
sauce name? more?
There's a critical mass where men and women of a certain size become indistinguishable. The closer you get to that point, the gayer you might as well be. Or, sexless.
Fuck me. Who is this gigantic tittied cow?
What ever dude.
Man I really need to fuck some crazy they them pussy.
zoomer girls are a blessing. they’re thick from the waist down, fats tits, low IQ. honestly a mans dream.
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If this thread is genuinely representative of zoomer 10/10s, then that generation is even more fucked than I thought.
I thought you said quality...
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some great gen Z ass. nothing between that head of hers other than showing off what life gave her!
I'll take a bloated up hag any day over this fat ugly goblin. This bitches haircut is more like randomly chopped up with scissors homeless rat nest she has a guys ass and her tits are meh
Zoomers like this garbage? Keep it off my board kid this is for sexy beautiful women not literal trash goblins thanks
Oh it gets worse get she's ugly as fuck and her fat stomach has some cringe belly button tattoo lol. 0/10 holy fuck this has to be bait
No one is mad we're making fun of you dumb faggot. Stop wasting our board space with your garbage.
Doesn't matter hagrids whore daughter never shows her tits womp womp. Zoomers like op pay her anyways because they're retarded and gay
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>unintelligible schizo babble
yup, that's a boomerlennial if I've ever seen one.
Yes she does
bro fr heated cuz a girls got big tiddies n a fat ass
Zoomer girls burn twice as bright but last half as long. It's like when they hit 23 to 25 they slam into the wall hard. But that 18 to 22 window is amazing.
they wish their women from their time were as well gifted with a fat ass and huge tits like the women of today
I think this is a troll thread
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Anyone else notice how LeanBeefPatty has been less Lean and more BeefPatty lately? I feel like she's losing that ratio she had 2/3 years ago that allowed her to preserve her femininity whilst having a muscular physique.
all you see is big tit and go retard mode... there's more to women than their fat sacks you stupid faggot
Go make a new thread about women with great personalities then faggot, stop shitting up our thread.
Putting the zoo in zoomer.
they should be put into zoos desu and bred
what else would they good for? political takes? LMAO
Millennials have contributed absolutely nothing to society whatsoever, you're just as arrogant, neurotic, and obnoxious as your boomer parents, it's honestly pathetic how you can't see the resemblance.
>Millennials have contributed
the website we're on
too much arguing not enough gooning over zoomers
I can't speak for gay/straight men but I can say for a fact as an FTM I became significantly more into fatter girls since starting testosterone- the two absolutely correlate. The skinny girls I used to be into I now wouldn’t give a second look. If I hear a man doesn’t like fat girls I assume he’s gay or low T.
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sigma sigma on the wall
who's the skibidiest of them all
it's you yes it's you
hey now
NBA...you just know
warning! we got a couple of breeders here
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oh oh
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all that she wants… https://youtu.be/d73tiBBzvFM
>have some standards
Always some weird eurotrash from a germanic country. His ideal woman is hard, sharp, big and will produce 'chad' sons. He is more into the male body
Here we see the boomer kind of faggot. Howard Stern is a good example.
Phattt assss
>No "fakes" or photo manipulations of any kind. This includes "morphs."
I wish my standards were this low
You're the one lusting over mediocre looking fat girls. You're not in a position to criticise.
This thread is living proof that millennials are no different from boomers, literal carbon copies.
Nah, zoomers just objectively look like trash, yall can't help it though, it's all these hyper processed foods that speed the aging process up.
>saying all this when the entire sóyjak meme was based on millennials
the lack of self awareness is astounding
It's been long enough that there are zoomers who basically became conscious after fat ugly girls were normalized in the early 2010's. a lot of them have genuinely been so overexposed to butterface titcow women online that it's actually hot to them. Makes you wonder if normal hot girls are gonna slowly disappear
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Don´t know why but your comment made me break down in laugher in the middle of my goon sesh
Your obsession with calling women who arent skin & bones is gay. I never said these women were 10/10's, they're not

Yes, As women starve themselves and suck the fat out of their cheeks cuz closet faggots like you harass them on social media
cor. chebs with that bonnie face got me gooning off my gourd.
you can say this while half of the girls i was talking about at the start of the thread have the face of a gay guy
Who thought a refined carbs thread would be a good idea?
>Tired of bloated wives
posts this heifer
No, we like big tits. We just like them attached to pretty women. Not these LGBTQ land whales
This is obviously written by the they/them in the OP post
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Well... you're kinda making his point for him with that argument
Yeah because this thread barely has any goon-worthy zoomers
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literally jaw dropping physique oh my
I lose, despite this not even being a you love you lose thread.
Didn't know Andy Partridge went on HRT
This big titty whore
if only we could brainwash the zoomers into just being naked all the time and the occasionall exercise
You can't hook a bait line on a bait line... or can you?
This type of generalization is characteristic of Troon circles, real story is, left tricked you into fear of what you think "straight men" is in your mind, grow up differently next time . Have better parents .

> our

You realize you're anonymous right? This is woman shit: "I'm wielding a hammer made up of 'all women' against you"

No, honey, you're one woman, and you're a slave to what men think of you despite your conditioning to the contrary. The right man instantly has you reduced to gelatin, unable to act freely, and there's nothing you will ever be able to do about it. It's nature.

eat shit Redditor you got 0 karma for this you're unfunny
Not bad if you put a bag over her head
>my life is not that interesting
but the tits are. That’s what they want you to post, love.
>hipoint rifle
stay in your lane s0ilennial groomer nigger
zoomers are grown adults
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Not even gonna read this boomerlennial spiel, go post your fat wife in the designated threads and kindly fuck off.
>sees big tits and fat ass on a woman
>gets disgusted
>not gay
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there is no point in posting what you just posted, retard
Moarr plox
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has OF
And surgery scars
yeah they're fake
I think you use a special line that has a few smaller lines attached? Im hoping to try fishing come next year, seems like a fair way to chill out.
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Built for bbc
any of her sucking cock?
not the same girl

so far, only these women are good, the rest of them are trash or average at best
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Y'all laughing but these type of chicks will give you one of the best fucks of your life hands down
Prime breeding window
So pretty much like every single female throughout history? Millennial thought he was cookin with this one lmao
No, I'm attracted to fat asses and big tiddies, not muscles, I'm not a fag.
>big tits and fat ass on a woman
On a fat woman with an ugly face who borderline looks like a faggot. Tits aren't everything and maybe when you grow up you'll realize that.

You zoomers get so defensive over the smallest things, but I guess that's what it's like growing up with safespaces and echochambers.
>I'm a fat tranny and if you don't like fat bitches I'll consider you a faggot
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These are all quality

These are disgusting. In every generation there are high quality women and low quality women; this is nothing new. Unique to zoomers is this particular kind of hormonal freak tit cow. Her diet since conception has consisted of 45% chemical runoff hormone blockers, 45% plastic, and 10% whatever slop she can pass off as food. These diets are what cause them to get their periods in 4th grade and blow up with D cups before starting high school. By the time they graduate, spending 4 years at the goyfactory then going home and consuming 6 hours of tik tok every day, they have attached the entirety of their worth on the size of their tits, their ass, and how much attention they can get from men for that. There is no deeper thought. There is no fuller being. As they get older and their skin stops being so taught and their tits start to sag at the top (as we see in >>22017597), they have no recourse but to do all they've ever known-- eat more slop, get fatter, and try and blow up their tits and waists to some point in the distant future where they can be still mainstream attractive, rather than a fat sow whose primary directive in life is consumption in any form.
Just from the photos and their dead-eyed stares, I can smell the sour mouisture of sweat and dead skin that accumulates in their folds. I can smell the sour breath from a decade of vaping and hear the tapping of their acrylic nails on a phone screen 7 hours a day.

>>22015735 got it right, it's really simple. Taste is subjective, but standards are what matter. if you're into fucking deadeyed 5'2 180 pound semi-illiterate retards, then go for it. but don't try and act like everyone else has to
> What is actually a 10/10 to you?
Enough meat on her that I can't see the shape of her bones poking out, without being fat/chubby/etc.
Enough muscles that she can pin me down or give me a freaking hard slap when she wants to.
Cute smile.
Shaves legs, doesn't shave snatch.
Actually has a snatch, not a dick (its 2024 I suppose we have to say this? :P )
Looks like an angel, the kind of girl your mother would be delighted to see you bring home.
But turns into complete crazy psycho when she gets horny.

Tits don't even come into it, as long as she has them, I'm good.

Heh funny, by far best pic here and maybe only ones who really are 10/10 and not a single comment about them.
Such a shame that the owner of that ass has to have the face of a Swedish man
You are literally a woman on steroids talking about which women you find hot, and then call other people gay. Amazing
>wants to get pinned down and slapped by a muscular, hairy, and bony woman
>not gay
Keep exposing yourselves it's hilarious.
Half the girls you claimed are disgusting were also some of the girls you claimed were "all quality". You're an idiot and a faggot to boot, imagine wasting this many words to show everyone how much of a faggot you are.
Sauce needed
shut up fag, buff patty is best patty
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OP complains about fat wives... My actual wife is skinnier than OP, post children. OP proceeds to share obese tweens I wouldn't have told my friends about if I was dating them back in college.

But yeah, zoomers are great, really saving the world with your landfills filled with electric car batteries while you rent out my second home with your three roommates. Clearly your women are superior, with their ambiguous gender identities and TikTok meme poses burned into their brains forever. My wife will never bring home the big bucks from OnlyFans, stuck cooking and cleaning and folding laundry while raising kids. Such suffering.
"bloated up hag wives"
*posts a bunch of ugly fat chicks*
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Mariexcari she got stalked then knocked up from rape and now she doesn’t post anymore.
I'll have what is epigenetics for 100, Alex.
Yes, the environment is mutating women to be dom-mom mini-giantess titcows and men to be effeminated bucciboy traps.

My wife's mom gave her one of her old bras "to grow into". It was already way too small and my MIL has had 4 kids.
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She posted a tiktok where she c"jokingly" said the following: "When I'm walking around NYC and a man hits on me but I reject and he cusses me out instead of SA me (SA being sexually assaulting). Bitch was definitely crazy. In any case I haven't heard anything about this at all so I think you must be lying.
>My actual wife is skinnier than OP, post children.
Yeah sure thing buddy
>OP proceeds to share obese tweens I wouldn't have told my friends about if I was dating them back in college.
Yes we know you're a closeted homosexual, what else is new?
>zoomers are great, really saving the world with your landfills filled with electric car batteries
I don't know how you assume this is gen z's fault, most zoomers are against environmental pollution, seems like you're reaching far up your prostate infected ass for something to pin on Gen Z, meanwhile we can attribute the woke shit to millennials because they were obsessed with wanting to be free loving hippies like their parents but couldn't afford the lifestyle since the economy was already fucked by that point lmao.
>while you rent out my second home with your three roommates.
So pretty much like every young person throughout history? Gotcha, millennials had to do the same when they were younger but go off.
>Clearly your women are superior, with their ambiguous gender identities
Again, all of this was revived by millennials.
>and TikTok meme poses burned into their brains forever
Sóyjak memes were all based on millennial men btw
She's at best 5. What kind of horrible taste or living conditions force a man to assume such thing is a 10? Have some fucking perspective.
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See this? this is what drop-dead gorgeous looks like. Nice eyes, nice smile, nice legs, perfect skin, lean and healthy with meat in all the right places. Sitting in a pose that is sexy and inviting with a welcoming smile. Looks like she could hold an actual conversation about something other than feminism while sitting in your lap and kissing you. This is what a genuine 10/10 looks like.
Why don't you faggots stop posting fucking landwhales and rainbow haired gender goblins and actually post beautiful women like this?
It was the last thing she posted on insta before nuking her socials. no reason to make this up. If anything tiktoks like that make the story more believable.
This bitch has thunder thighs that could cause a tsunami. Fat piggy woman. When she hits the wall in a year, she will balloon to 3x that size. Nasty cow.
>Mariexcari she got stalked then knocked up from rape

source? proof?
who dis?
>thunder thighs
Have you been fapping to degenerate shit so much that you forget what a healthy, beautiful woman is supposed to look like?
>fat piggy woman
Her entire body is literally perfect proportions... she has a waistline that's slim but not too slim as to look anorexic. She looks healthy, athletic, even. She looks like the kind of sporty girl you'd see on a soccer team. I hate to break it to your coomer brain, but this is what a real healthy woman looks like, not whatever cartoon /d/ shit you get off to. You'd be lucky to find a girl like this.

Sure, she'll probably hit the wall in a few years, most women do after/during college, but if you're telling me you earnestly don't think this is at least a 7/10 just because her thighs aren't anorexically, disgustingly thin then you've destroyed your brain with porn.
She's fat and you have low standards. Also seems like you don't have a fully developed brain enough to use logic, reason, or planning.
Deal with it
So tell me coomer, what does a 10/10 woman look like to you?
She would also post about how much she hated her body, my guess is that wasn't the first time she had been raped or molested.
Literal boomer take
If you think that's fat then I don't understand why you're browsing a thread where the majority of the generation are literal troglodytes.
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zoomer brown sluts got me wanting to stick my bbc up their asses
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>low standards
>posts no 10/10's

I'm tired of you incels whining about minuscule differences and not contributing to the thread. Post porn or stfu
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Does she have amy videos?
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Yes, I'll see if I can make some webms some time.
The face of a high tier slut.
omg that's so cute. this jackass thinks people care about his opinion on women when he's probably a 30 year old incel.
and yet even the bad ones wouldn't touch you even if you had a $100 bill taped to your stomach (id say hanging out of your zipper but you sound like the type that has a gut that hangs lower than your zipper).
wouldn't a guy wanting to see a girls tits make him not gay? you do know this board is 18+ right? at 13 you should probably close this out before your mom checks on you
must have a massive ego
why is it hot when women are dumb niggers
looked up her instagram, i thought she was hot but this girl is fucking lucky, shes clearly traveled the world and im sure she could live wherever she wanted, all that for being born a hot women in a wealthy family
of course her life isnt interesting to her, she just wakes up everyday and any experience is just matter of fact, only effort is to get dressed and get on a plane
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Just 18
She does but she's also insanely insecure, her emotional foundation is built on sticks and bubblegum.
Looks 28;
Hmm, might just be the lighting and angle
Bitch has a reptilian face, someone send this to Alex Jones for confirmation.
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>and their bloated up hag wives
>does nothing but post overweight 24+ year old zoomers
what did OP mean by this
>Heh funny, by far best pic here and maybe only ones who really are 10/10 and not a single comment about them
Because that photo is highly edited

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