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Last Thread - >>22005894
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Reflective Desire put their photos behind paywall...
boring though that site may be, the fact that it remained free for so long is very surprising, fetish content isn't exactly advertiser friendly and you gotta pay the bills somehow.
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Fiona Apple, is that you?

Bastards. Oh well, I'll get their sets the same way I get their vids I guess.
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reflective desire is boring anyway. quality latex but the vids/photos are really eh.
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Yes... its like finding woman that is into archery or whatever. Relationships cant be built on just one common hobby. It should be bonus...
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who this
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is sweat OK?
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Yes. Any more of that set, or is it a one off image?
there aren't that many latex + sweat images/videos out here, or at least i didn't find too many
>pussy stubble
i'm fucking cumming
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Have some more then.
Its inevitable
this is so fucking adorable it hurts
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i'll take the high road
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Yeah, that's a one off

I know... Don't know why it's so rare when it's so hot
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there's many a dozen sweating vids expand your horizon sirs
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Feel free to post if you have more
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and this is why you save up for central air conditioning
>tfw living in Arizona
There's zero latex community here because it's 110° out right now.
that's hot
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and that's probably why there's not latex community in the Deep South. 100 degree weather plus 95% humidity is a killer
+ they can't afford it

This reminds of one of my favorite FetishKitsh videos on YouTube (it was a thing for a while) of her being face down by a floor register trying to cool down while the guy on the camera asks her if he should turn down the AC
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no idea what this material is tbqdesuh
That's latex, Avellano has been doing these textured latex looks lately
Stop posting this gross creature.
Some relevant links here: >>>/t/1299828
fuck off cunt at least i posted something
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yummy, thanks
Seriously, get this fucking creature out of here, Disney adult faggot.
you have no power over me
alina becker
more from this set here:
(thank you google lens)
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post moar of this chick, world needs more sexy black women in latex
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Let's get some more sweat in here
>>22005905 whomst? Need more Asian QTs
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*cleans the booba and tex*
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Yeah but maybe not croddressing trannies hm?
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need more of her in tex, or just that bimbo look in tex
I thought sunlight is already super bad for latex anyways
Yeah, if you stay outside for hours. A few minutes won't ruin it.
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yeahhh big butt, wooooooo!
I adore fat asses in latex.
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Thicc ladies in latex are the best.
oh this one's HOT!!
tfw no big butt mommy in latex to breed after the gym and she texts me in tex
that's not thicc, that's a fat ogre
retarded nigger
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who is she?
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who is this delicious latex milf
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Hell yeah thanks fellas. Keep up the good work!
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I've always been amazed by the fact that it was up for free, I suppose I'm not exactly surprised. A little disappointed though.
Glad I downloaded the torrent they put out of the backlog a few years ago at the very least.
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she was kino in the 2000s. Her Jean Bardot, Anastasia Pierce, Jewell Marceau, Karina will be the best
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early 2000s latex videos will never be beat!


I always think about old latex porn stars from the early 2000s and where they went..... what are they doing and did they enjoy the 1990s
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i need to go back to 1990 to the mid 2000s. I feel there was a lot of latex kino back then
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young isabella sinclair 2001, i need to retvrn
late 90s kino
god bless 4/10 latex girls
Batman Returns certainly made latex a hot topic in 1992.
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i look at vintage photos and wonder about the foids that wore latex in them, some of them may just 1-3 credits and stopped modelling in 1998. where are they now?
The model life style is not a good one, so assume many are dead. She >>22013383 died very young.
Actual latex websites don't come close to early latexotica years! these were real hot women with dominant facial expressions and the sluttiest wear ever (opera gloves, high boots, and ofc latex).
Nowadays we got amateur girls with the body of a potato wearing latex with autist attitude. End of the rant. Do you know quality new content?
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some of them, not even pornstars who were just models in the late 90s when they were 30 or 31 just disappeared. I wanna know what happened to them
also, does anyone know the chick in the black? her name was jannay and the photos are from the coffee club by Jim Weathers. I have found no more info on her
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for me its mary jane, or rachel paine. two mid 2000s goth cut brats.

fuck i need a gf
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need them


does a higher quality of this video exist than 480p?
only on the site, i can only find dog shit quality ones



i need a girl with black hair and bangs that looks like this
need a rubber creature gf
gib evil rubber creature gf
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must need evil witch rubber creature...
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10 minutes into netflix and chill and she walks out wearing full tex asking to do sex magik

wat do
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need latex milf
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*gives you a mean handjob and edges you while scolding you for not going to her friends goth party*
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what i'd do depends on the catsuit, but it'll be fun
how'd she get 'tex on in 10 mins
how are we all coping with SC gone?
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i dunno
she wore it underneath her clothing and went to get a 'drink' and walked in with it on. she is in a latex wiccan coven, and they need male essence to summon a daemon
If they were 30 back then they would be 60 now, and I am confident they have retired, and I hope they are alive.
Julie Skyhigh and Chloe Jones committed suicide.
Jerri Byrne got married, a new surname and a new job as a professional photographer.
Panthera (sp?) died, don't know the details.
Latex Veronica died, some say it was an accident.
Puppett retired, married according to some.
>Sigh... another run away
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i will help them
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>social media flooded with shitty AIgen latex photos
>people are now stealing and reuploading the shitty AIgen latex photos
>replies are full of braindead mental deficient who believe latex can actually look like that or bots

Shit fuckin sucks latex bros. GenAI photos are actually a plague
what is SC?
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need 'tex gf
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SimpCity perhaps. Seems their servers have shit the bed for over a week.
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Sauce ? Sexy in a different way
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Who is this
As sexy as Jan but in different way
jazzys.secretworld on IG
The photos from these sets looks incredibly unnatural and overshopped
Is that catsuit or leggings and long sleeve shirt?
That's nikitzo for you. He loves swapping heads on different models bodies. The videos are nice though.
he also loves to put AI generated faces on sexdolls

Oh and he sometimes facetunes smiles onto real models' faces, and leaves both pics in the set. He's nuts.
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Someone should show our boy Sebastian how to upload photos in full resolution.
fuck i remember that bitch from 2018, i followed her on insta she had 300 followers and was an engineering student in netherlands. i need to creampie her bad!
what's the name of the one on the left?
nvm i found her
it's scottishdaisylove on instagram
A lot of latex girls seem quite high functioning, educated etc... very interesting.
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I know one girl irl that is into latex and she is dumb as boot.
>dumb as boot
Thats what we say in my language when someone is dumb. I know it sounds weird in english but its perfect description of her.
It's common theme. Autists seem to enjoy latex.
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Off the top of my head:
- Aurora has a degree in mech. eng.
- PF and her sister have university degrees, at least one of them in languages
- One of the Latexperiment models (perhaps Alexandra Potter) also has a language degree.
Come to think of it, all of the above are Russian models.

Also true.
Now name latex models without...
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So high functioning they need to whore themselves out online. LOL.
Errr, what?

>they need to whore themselves out online
Why do women do what they do? The mystery has been with us since before the dawn of civilisation.
Name latex models without university degrees. Also, who doesnt have university degree today when schools create stupid classes just to get money from students...
Love latex sportswear, it looks 'realistc'.
my hands would be on her thighs and pussy
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daddy need a fucking tex gf right now, i would be an incontrollable monster with that infront of me
who is she?
post more ellie mouse. is she still modeling?
neeed asian gf post #4515161141167
*grabs butt*
*bites butt*
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btw the girl in Tex was celebrating her 18th bday when filming that
21st but okay
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Why was she is Texas?
she's so pretty
she's delightful
But psycho...
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brat, made for spankings

tfw no latex car gf to touch her thighs

need to creampie in tex, i hate her tattoos
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i hate watermarks
i have that motor vehicle where's my latex gf
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had to go to wayback machine to find this shit
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man, Lucy Pinder, now that's a throwback, reminded me of Loaded magazine's '05 Calendar featuring a number of Page 3 models in Latex.

The "facts" are very cringe inducing, but damn the outfits were were hot.

Figured we'd go with Lucy's common partner in crime, Michelle Marsh
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Ok seriously I will stalk her and teach her how to shine latex because this is disgusting...
i've been complaining about oily latex for months but anons just say "lol k bro that's how it's supposed to be"
Anyone got some good latex maid videos?
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There is so much lube its even ruining the shine actually. Look how its breaking reflections...
go back through the Gwen Media archive
As technology moves forward, how will latex models compete with AI?
there will always be a market for real girls but at this rate latex models are fucked with how shit they've been the past 5 years
Has to be hard for them to potentially compete with AI characters that can do basically anything, or wear clothing that current makers don't even know how to make.
the competition is needed, they've gotten real fuckin' lazy.
ATM AI is still terrible at doing "realistic" images. Not in terms of anatomy, as that has improved, but image quality. Everything has that distinct satin texture to it that they haven't been able to shake for years due to the way it stitches the samples and bits together and then tries to smooth it all together.
And here lies the biggest issue. Most of the people that are Prompting aren't software engineers, so as soon as the people that are actually working on it lose intrest or funding then it's over. The quality caps there. The other thing that's going for it is that a lot of these new tech things are dead after about five years. So they have probably about 2 years more than figure it out before everyone pulls out.
Latex models on the otherhand have stagnated for years and has no intent to push for better so they really don't have a reason to compete as long as the industry lasts another two years.

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