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Sexy mamas and their pretty daughters
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If there's one thing this thread proves, it's how cruel time is.
to be fair to God, they could have taken better care of themselves. Not working out and having a bad diet puts aging on turbo. They probably arent even that old. You know how it's an epic meme that white women age the worst? Some of it may be genetics, sure, but I think most of it is because white women are more likely to eat like rabbits, thinking that is good for them when it's horrible for your skin when fish oil and animal collagen is what you'd need for your skin to stay healthy. So SE asian women, etc..and drinking red bull & vodkas every weekend. I've seen 30 year olds I went to hs with that look ancient because of this.
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Assuming daughters are to be 18+ yes?
Oyokodan is my favorite Japanese Chicken & Egg dish
There eyes are as beady as their nipples
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>hmm today i will get a tattoo
>hmm today i will get botox
>hmm today i will get surgery and fuck up my face or body
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I’ve met a fat woman on botox. They’re under the belief that it makes them look better and you cant change their mind. They will keep on shelling hundreds out for it
omg I remember these two. anyone got more?
Sauce? The daughter is gorgeous
go search for the fucking watermark that's literally in the image you stupid faggot
Is the girl on the right Lea E. from Germany?
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Why is the mom always hotter than the daughter?
Because you're an adult man who's not a closeted gay jerking off to photoshopped waifus like half this board is
I was jacking off to the mom though

during my most autistic time of hyperfixation, I started captioning these as if they were interviews , with the moms talking about how they started domming and fucking their daughters, forcibly at first. The implication was it was some new religion or philosophy sweeping the world. Deleted them all once I started touching grass but the memories remain
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