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Nudes taken on the job
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kind of
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jimmy johns
She looks like she could be Angela White's thin younger sister.
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haha I see it
Would slap and eat that cake
Bump for great thread so far!
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The topic is ' nudes taken at work.'
OH MAN! I don't think I could work around these booties. I'd get too distracted XD
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Holy hell
would give her a footlong IF U KNO WAT I MEEN XD
maybe she works at hot topic
a tictac is hardly a footlong
I could eat her asshole for DAYS!
More of this chick/sauce?
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Pilot babe
Dominoes is shit, but they'd win me over if they served that ass in a pizza box.
>you get on the plane
>pilot's a whore

What do you do anon?

Cant just get off and get a refund.
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> Replies: 40 / Images: 25

As of my posting this ratio is pathetic, post more chicks at work
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Sauce on her?
I hope there is moar
Nurse slut
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taking pictures in clients houses
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More bro?
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Is this why it takes so long to get my order at the drive thru, chicks are in the bathroom snapping pics of their ass instead of working?

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