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For those who loves white amazonians
Vixenp Polina A is the cutest , sexiest most breedable in her own kind.
Face of an angel, hips of a fertility goddess, tall like a monument.
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Does anyone have any pics of her before she got her tits done where she had a nipple piercing? It was super hot and I really wish she still had it...
>she got her tits done
aren't natural bobs?
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you was right she made her boobs.
i am surprised you cant tell. its clear as day to me. do you think lots of guys are deceived by ladies with implants? i feel like they never fit the body.
they looks good on her.
how have I never heard of her before holy fuck...
ikr she is a queen.
Even when she was skinny and not tuned.
Thats an r crumb girl come to life.
how tall is she?
supposedly 5'11 or 1.8m
i gasped
Jesus christ, you faggots would fuck a GI Joe if it had a screwhole big enough
Disgusting fake tits
nah they are good.
omg do you think that's maybe not her natural hair color too
what a stupid response.
Thanks, it means a lot coming from you
she was much sexier without this ugly plastic fake tits
do you think she is happy?
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no, def looks better with the tits job
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Our fertility goddess without the janky $20 tattoos.
do you think she has large body count?
I have the theory that she is lesbian and never fucked a man.
I did a pvt with her and another girl and when I asked her to eat the other girl out she acted like she didn't know what I meant. I don't know if it's cultural or a translation issue, but she seemed pretty hesitant to do it.
I had talk to her and she is extremely sweet.

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