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Got to love the unawareness that I can view all photos from her phone...
for the record...i just found out yesterday.
from her phone and deleted and hidden folder on phone
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you doing the same thing?
a lot of these are literally when I am home or in other room!
Now find out who she’s taking them for
hard to get access to her phone, and when I do, no obscure texts or unsaved #'s...taking them for trying on clothes/documenting her body? I don't know.
Brah shes out fishing for attention I'd go get yourself tested. Seen to many dudes pass off stuff like this to find out later shes fucking around. Have you had any of these sent to you because there going to someone?

Got any shots of her cunt? She has a nice ass.
im clean. a few are passed to me, but the majority are sitting on her phones hidden folder...
I have checked sent emails from her email, nothing either.
like this was a few days ago before the weekend
How long have you guys been together/ married? I'm assuming you can see how old these are. Is there a lot?
How is the sex life with her? If it's been lacking when these pics are it might be of concern.
Maby bring it up if you feel something is off.
over the course of a year or so, averaging a few a week.

sex is ok, always has been. theres probably 60 photos I haven't seen
the smiles are genuine though interesting...
Maybe her IG? I can't get into that
the lame shit I get from her...
Idk man I hope it works out for you. I'd bring it up that's a fair bit of content, while you get her with her bra on....
Divorce her and having nothing to do with her you are being cuckold
She's definitely cheating. Divorce her immediately unless you want to raise Tyrone's feral half-breed niglet.
She's taking them with the camera app, then cropping / filtering and sending on with whatever app she's chatting with.
Sorry anon. As soon as fucklord accepts her fully into his life she will monkeybranch out of yours.
Get the proof then gtfo and FFS don't get her pregnant.
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This is a LARP, or are you seriously blind to what she’s doing?
who is she taking these photos for if not to send you in the first place?
not your wife lol

Most recent picture in thread goes back to at least 2019
yeah...we have been dating a while
So is this something that's reposted a lot to fuck with new people or what, these pictures have been online on various sites for years
Which she sends to guys like me which she secretly fucks.

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