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The most disgusting form of life imaginable.
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They are chad only, but we can still look at it, we can still bust at it
jesus christ, not a single looker among them
when did things go so wrong
touch grass
Going too far, a good 75% of these women are prime breeding material. Too bad most of them will spend their most fertile years getting pumped and dumped by 6'3 Chads before settling down with a beta tag at the age of 37.
Money doesn't buy happiness but it can buy those whores.
We don't need to hear about your fetishes
holy shit
I went to hs with one of these girls. we follow each other on Instagram
Why are some of these getting rmeoved
Red or blue
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Cry about it. Nobody cares.
Not a single really slim girl in here. They will all be at least chubby, maybe fat in some years. Look at the flabby arms, legs etc. Poor americans considering this as „thin“. O my fucking god.
not a skinny thread and plenty of those girls are skinny regardless. you clearly do not interact with women irl lol
god damn need to know who
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most of these bitches will be impregnated my 6 11 men with good genes and settle down with them
They have my condolences
Holy fuck, name?
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some women are just constantly asking for it
Sydney Thomas.
moar of these two

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