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Taylor Swift edition
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xtina was my favorite
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>does not use the opportunity to name the thread poptarts
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I love her so much
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she really grew into her slut self
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Hail Satan
Hailee Steinfeld
She's just so hot.
How are you gonna have a Taylor Thread, and not post her Swift Nip?
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It's interesting how sexual Taylor's become since 2022/2023; before you'd never see her wearing clothes like this or spreading her legs.
even during the 1989 era she commented that she would never want to be seen like that

gotta stay competitive

plus I bet she's feeling the pressure to make the most of her youth as she gets closer to 40. it's arbitrary but you know people in the spotlight like that feel the expectation to always be sexy, youthful, perfect, etc
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>gotta stay competitive
I think some of Taylor's success can be traced back to her never going full sex kitten like a lot of her female contemporaries (Selena, Miley, Demi, Ariana, etc.) did, it makes her concerts safer to take kids to.
>pressure to make the most of her youth
I feel like this must be part of it. She's got the best body she's ever had and she's 34, so she's in the last hurrah of any kind of youth. Still interesting to see.
I think she was almost ready to turn her back on the big popstar thing but then went hard right into that again with the current tour and all, and she's competing in that space against a bunch of much younger women, most of whom do play up their sexiness a lot, hence maybe the need to compete with that more now
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Literally a painting.
>Study in white. The young lady and her housecat.
I can see that. Is Billie Eilish still doing her baggy clothes thing or has she decided to sex it up yet?
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oh shit, nice

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