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there's more pics to be posted of her
prev. thread >>22016896
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I love this picture except for her stupid looking hair style, I need to get AI to give her normal hair or something
The hair is definitely bad. Reminds me of Shaunna is this classic Today Now segment
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If she has a nigger haircut.......
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Followed her on Insta for years. Typically disappointed when they turn out to do porn, but I didn't care here.
Charly Jordan is superior btw
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you got her porn?
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has she ever shown her butthole?
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Inquiring minds would like to know.
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Nope, not that I know of. She will do nudes only from the front, but sometimes you can get a very small peek of lips from behind, but she never spreads her legs while nude (she spreads with panties and lingerie though, cameltoe, etc) and doesn't show her holes. Not butthole nor inner labia.

This is the most she has ever shown from behind as far as I'm aware. Open to be proven wrong though !
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she did do this once
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Oh yea that one is close. Here is another one from behind. Unfortunately she doesn't pose in doggy as much, and when she does it's usally filmed from her side. So that's a rare treat from her.
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Almost forgot about this one. I've seen sooo much of her content over the years and this is the most labia she has ever exposed.
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awful titjob

Full video here:


She's a goddess
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Her first one was bad, which is what you see in those very old pics, but she got it fixed and she looks perfect now.
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anyone know where to find the full video/set for this one?
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I really wish she showed pussy in every set
It's too perfect to keep hidden
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>some lucky bastard out there gets to smash this pussy on the regular
>she is dumber than a rock and an entitled narcissistic bitch
Such a paradox.
>entitled narcissistic bitch
I dont think she is, there is a vid clip floating around where she shows what she has done with her money from modeling; she bought a farm with some greenhouses and has a staff, and is growing trees, I believe. Not really what a "entitled narcissistic bitch"
Based Rachel, living her life to the fullest, dabbing on angry incels
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