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There are two types of men in this world. Straight and not straight. All straight men find Brittney Venti the most breedable brood mother imaginable. If you do not, you are not straight. Simple as that.
I would love to baste her uterus with my man chowder.
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If you are gay, simply dont post here with your Brittany hate.
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Also, no incels that mention sag. Find where her belly button is. Protip: it aint near her tits.

Then make note if the peak of her breasts are roughly center to her middle upper arm. Protip: yep.

That means, no sag. You'll understand when you se a woman naked. Ask your mom to let you use your computer, take the parental lock off. Surf porn.
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Another friendly reminder, if she iant your number one, then ask yourself... maybe you should try dudes for a bit because you are a little gay.
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I would love to make her conceive anally, so she could shit out a welder.

The world always needs welders.
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I wanna breed her so hard bros.
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Her anus is ready.
Imagine the chilli digging.
>chilli dogs
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She's gonna stick this finger up your ASS!!
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Ayy lmao
She looks like she'd bite your head off after mating
she uggo
she warms-up tea in her microwave
she's white now???
Yeah nah. She’s not really all that. All this gay talk makes me think OP is feeling a little internally confused.
post uncensored pitpusy
You are gay. This is okay. This thread is for straight people tho.
what a shit thread
Why do you gay fellas come here? Wrong board. Wrong thread. You should just go to a board with dudes anuses and balls.
I like to fantasize about tying her down and tounging every inch of her.
I want to live in her crotch
Queen of 4chan
This woman is pretty but nothing crazy. it's just weird and annoying for you to push so much of your identity into being attracted to her. it is a shit thread, you guys need to chill.
this is one of the strangest things I've ever read. do you need help, man?

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