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File: gianna.jpg (2.04 MB, 4380x4040)
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Just feeling like posting this old photoset in full. 80 pics, 3000*2000 pixels (except cover).
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some more pics in shittier quality
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1.21 MB JPG
Full set, both versions (80 + 170 pics):

mega.nz \ file/OYtRmAKB#it9HoDyTRtXohwMIKxw1mvapUVJKPFVpn9hRaO-gSww
Very nice set. Thanks for this, OP!
thx bud, lovely stuff
File: becky03.jpg (1.03 MB, 1992x3000)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB JPG
Thank you OP
Gianna will always be a top whore for me
Thanks, OP. Gianna has always been my favorite, but I never knew this set existed. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for posting!

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