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Whites preferred, Asians would work and no Blacks
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Now it's your turn hehe
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My exgirlfriend ass!
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Thas pussy and asshole!
I'm burying my face in her immediately
Her butthole is adorable
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Sure you can use My exslut
Can I see her tits too?
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Enjoy that ass!
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Sure, bro
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See that butthole!!
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Enjoy and use my exgirlfriend butthole!
Got Kik? I’ll trade you some stuff of my ex for yours :)
Yeah, kik LizRomo02
I make the account to share her pics and look for tribs for her
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Lily Rader
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The wife’s holes
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Wife's tight little asshole
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It's so fucking weird when people refer to themselves as "white".
Unless you're black there's no reason to even make that differentiation. Must be an American thing.
>fat roasties with blown out holes and sausage fingers

low IQ with no standards whatsoever

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