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Garbage tats are not 10/10
now that is something special
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tats do not affect the shape of the body, you're being retarded
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I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE you'd trip over yourself getting out of your pants if she propositioned you for sex.
You motherfuckers have some weird ass hang ups, then wonder why you are alone. Smh.
>smile added with AI
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NTA but I think you're missing the point. We're expressing our disappoint and anger because, as you mentioned, she is otherwise very attractive. Yes I think most men would "deal with" stupid spider-web-on-titty tats but its like using crayon to highlight the mona lisa.

bumper stickers on a Ferrari
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Ok Virgin.... do us all a favor and go join the Russian front line.
Goddamn,...who is this?
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