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Freckles adorning the buttocks of women. Bonus points for pale skin + booty blush combo.
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sauce on this slag pls lad
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This one is really beautiful. She has the perfect freckle distribution; both outer and inner ass. Just wish her pussy was a bit more attractive...
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Beggars can't be choosers. Freckles like that are pretty rare.
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Nothing has topped the OP pic yet, imho.
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And now I have a new fetish
I've always wondered whether or not girls prone to freckling would also develop freckles on their asses. Freckles on faces, shoulders, and breasts are all very common after all. But I have never met a single woman with freckles on her ass. Can't even recall a single time I saw it in public at a beach either. Sure, I've seen plenty of asses with beauty marks, or moles, or pimples, but not even once with actual freckles.

There's something about the way it looks that's incredibly sexy, though. The elusive rarity only adds to the appeal.
The second I see a chick with lots of freckles my mind just automatically wonders whether she's got em on her rear end too. It's kinda like when you see a lass with bright red hair, you wonder whether the carpet matches the drapes.
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You and me both, brother...
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>Sure, I've seen plenty of asses with beauty marks, or moles, or pimples, but not even once with actual freckles.

same i have seen plenty of women with acme like pic related but very VERY few with butt freckles
/fit/ with freckles is an amazing combination.
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Gorgeous freckles <3
Pale skin with ass freckles is super hot!
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Perfect peach-shaped butt. Extremely underrated
>Freckles on faces, shoulders, and breasts are all very common after all. But I have never met a single woman with freckles on her ass.

In my experience Ive seen a sizable amount of freckled legs too, but almost no freckled asses. If I was to wager a guess, it'd be that maybe these women who are prone to freckling assume men don't like freckles on asses, so they actively cover up their butts when sunbathing, etc. Kinda like how plenty of women in the past used to try to avoid visible cameltoe, despite the fact that men pretty much unanimously consider it attractive. Might just be another misconception like that.
imma need higher res on this, anon
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Eww, gross. A visual aid wasn't necessary lol
honestly, pale skin with a few imperfections like this looks super hot. this is something that AI will never get right, because it always aims for perfection. but it's not perfection that's attractive, it's the human element.
Triss Merigold vibes
Does she really qualify as "fit" though? The only thing I see that (might) imply fitness are the prominent veins on her hand.
The distribution and density of her freckles is utterly sublime! I would love to see this beauty without the panties.
This one is amazing.
I think that it might be difficult to develop freckles on your butt, since the only proper opportunity would be when sunbathing whilst lying on your stomach. Face and shoulders are easy because standing, walking, sitting etc, these areas are fully exposed to the brunt of the sunlight.

^This. I haven't developed any new fetishes in many years. But this one definitely reignites that spark.
This chick is incredible. AMAZING freckles!
Funny, my girlfriend has them and I never gave it any special thought.
I have nothing to contribute, but I must bump this thread which made me realize another small fetish of mine
It's pretty rare to find high-res pics with visible butt freckles.

Wow who is this?..
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Loss of gorgeous women in the kendu inu chat. Definitely worth checking out
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Staring at the bum
Imagine the snuggles
Her right butt cheek is perfect. Wish she had more freckles on the left.
There is also a possibility within the realm of professional modeling that photo editors might edit these perceived "imperfections" out of the images before distribution occurs. As for IRL encounters, I agree that It is a supremely uncommon characteristic.
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Julia Yaroshenko
This is excellent. Do you have more of her?
I wonder why its so rare. It's extremely attractive to say the least
>Copious butt freckles
>Good freckle distribution
>Pale skin
>Booty blush

Looks like you have a winner, OP >>22039581
This is such an adorable butt <3 I love how small it is compared to the other posts in this thread. The freckles are wonderful too, of course.
That is one disgusting vagina. Nice ass tho. Gotta give credit where its due.

All vaginas are disgusting. A tangle of misshapen skin that gets piss dribbled all over it whenever they pee, & pukes out a hemorrhaging miscarriage for several days every few weeks, & gets yeast infections & shit constantly. Gross. You can clean an ass out in like 20min dilation and a flush & you have a much nicer hole to fuck. Asses look better with dicks going in them then without, and they look better than dicks going in vaginers.
>vaginas are for making babies.
>butts are for fuckin
nigga you gay
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If you think pic related has a vagina which should be classified into the same tier of "disgusting" as the one present in this anon's post >>22065339 , you may need to reconsider your sexual orientation.

I'm not going to debate your argument for specific body parts being inherently disgusting; the obvious problem with that logic is it can apply to pretty much any body part. For example, when viewed through that same lens, human mouths would be extremely disgusting. I understand you are simply fishing for (You)s, so my response is entirely pointless, but there are definitely instances where body parts can be more or less disgusting based on their individual physical characteristics. A mouth full of yellowed, rotting, crooked teeth is likely to be considered far more grotesque to the average person than a mouth with beautiful teeth despite the fact that both mouths are used for the same disgusting bodily function. This obviously applies to vaginas too.
Do you have more of that girl? She has the most gorgeous pussy I've ever seen. I saw someone post in a thread a few weeks ago...
Based on the quality of the photos she's clearly a professional model. Reverse image search is your friend dude.
I desperately want this chick to sit on my face
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Same. Honestly a very refreshing fetish in my view. It's a "back-to-basics" approach; appreciating something wholesome and natural is always the most satisfying after long binges of depraved content shoved in your face. Not singling out this website either. Pretty much every porn site nowadays is filled to the brim with progressively more and more degenerate fetishes for people to get hooked on. It's refreshing to see something so simple and wholesome able to captivate people who are likely just as jaded as I am when it comes to consumption of pornography.

Of course I may just be projecting, but this is how I sincerely feel about the current state of "new-age fetishes". Appreciation of butt freckles is one of the first new-age fetishes I've witnessed that is completely devoid of any hints of depravity, demoralization, disgusting undercurrents, or overstimulation.
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I'd say that butt has way too much acme to be attractive. The key factor would be moderation. Something like my pic related is far more reasonable. Freckles are definitely preferred over acme in every case as far as I'm concerned though.
^These three have the most optimal freckle distribution from my perspective. Not too much, not too little, and spaced out in an aesthetically pleasing manner. It's hard enough to find pics of butt freckles, let alone ones that are this perfect.
Wow... stunning.

The tanline up the ass crack proves this anon's theory >>22048109
Is this the contrarian olympics?
That pic deserves a slot in every single "Pretty Pussy" thread from here on out.
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Good Lord, these are amazing. Jaw-droppingly beautiful.

This is great too, shame she doesn't have any freckles though...
serious AJ vibes off this chick
Have there been any threads with this topic before? An archive link would be great.
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This is fantastic. You got any more from this set, senpai?
bitches bending over: the thread
10/10 Need more school uniforms with butt freckles in my life. Excellent combo

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