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meaty horse cunt
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I can't stress how nice tribals are.
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Cool pic but where are their cunts?
Man, the pussies that feel the best around your cock are always only one of those two:
>meaty horse pussy, you feel all of that meat moving around on your shaft, clamping on it and wrapping around it; when you enter for the first time, you can feel the pussy split apart inside, all that wet and slimy feeling making everything x10 better
>tight tiny pink coinslot pussy, it's so tight and warm to the point that it feels dry and it gorilla grips your cock so hard that it basically milks the cum out of your dick
Nothing between, everything else is just mediocre in comparison.
Some pussies just feel like hitting a jackpot in heaven while smoking a blunt with Satan and God and having a philosophical discussion with them at the same time. Meanwhile other pussies feel like low budget fleshlights in comparison.
Why is that?
it's even better if they're hairy as well. it makes the mound look even bigger.
Personally I prefer a little bit of nicely trimmed hair on a woman's mound to accentuate her sweet sugar walls.
Giddy up
Pussy so raw and primal that it makes you want to kill a woolly mammoth
Gonna take my horse to the ol town road
what is this supposed to mean
its sounds corny at first but then I try to parse it and it just translates into something gay as fuck
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Levi checking that pussy up
Muster the rohirrim
that pussy looks painful
she needs to keep growing that
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The GOAT of ebony horse cunt - Sarah Banks
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What do I search to find more like this, not interested in actual horse vagina
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More Mexican mare
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Who is this?
Pussy and face look AI altered.
Name of that one?
Pussy is not supposed to look that way thats fking trauma these whores get fucked by so many duddes that they vaginas start looking like that of a horse !
bruh holly fk ! that pussy is fucked !
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You sound quite traumatized yourself sweetie.
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Oh great, my eye doc is Indian, now I'm going to be thinking about this pic the whole time I get an exam
probably the hottest cunt ive ever seen send more damn
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A truly hilarious question, but just so you don't have to look at any more actual horse cunt..."fat ebony pussy" might get you there
That's not how vaginas work, you pathetic kissless virgin
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Yea its tough to find this sort of pussy

Anytime ive searched “fat pussy” it just brings up land whales
Have any here actually been with a mare? These women's pussy resemble foaled mares. Maiden mare pussy is usually narrow, and rather tight. After they've given birth, their pussy's become big and puffy. I prefer a foaled mare. Also, mares wink(squeeze) their cunt if you fuck them while they're in heat. I think women with large, clean, sloppy wet pussys are generally a better fuck.
While I haven't fucked a mare, I agree that semi-tight (or even kinda loose), big, puffy pussies that are insanely wet are my favorite to fuck. I find that I can last longer with them than tighter pussies and the orgasm/ejaculation builds up more that way. I've also seen mares in heat do clitoral winking when they're really aroused. If you have fucked one, do they orgasm too? I imagine they would since a human penis is designed for longer intercourse times than a stallion's, who only last maybe a dozen thrusts at most.
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gf's ass
agreed with this answer here.
I did it a couple of times and a fingering here and there. I miss those times.
To sum up, as in the pic, it's warm and tight-ish even thought it's different from a human pussy. The amazing feeling is when the mare winks during sex, you can feel it all around you and it's like a suction but way way better. The strange feeling is when you cum that if she winks when you do it, you find yourself sprayed with your own cum! Also mare can squirt and it's quite the generous amount.
Anal is TIGHT but just on the rim, inside it's really an hallway. But an interesting experience.
Wow I been missing out.. WTF that looks soo good
I lost my V-card to a broodmare, but kept it hetro most of the time. Decades ago when women with big butts were undesirable, I LOVED girls that had an ass like a horse. It was easy picking. My friends called me chubby chaser. They were pawg's before it was a thing.
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What would you do to her
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imagine the taste
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do chinese holes count?
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Fuck yes I have sex with mares and mares only. Some are rather loose and some are so tight it feels like short circuit in my brain and literally flashing lights at the edges of my vision as I plant my seed in their beautiful pussy. The day I had a mare orgasm on my dick I swore I'd always stay true to mares and this decision has never let me down.
Gotta beat that 30% response statistic yeah?

Women are horses...
Horses are noble...

But we have "black mares" now... Maybe someone ought to stick at "muscles have muscle but it's only one"
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As a white man I know I could never satisfy this, but god damn does black pussy look good.
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Latina Mare???
>Be me, 23, Ex just cheated on me with my best friend.
>Start hooking up on the apps to boost self esteem
>Mostly nasty chicks, develop a taste for huge mare pussy
>Meet anna for drinks off of one of the apps. Somehow get on the topic of pussy lips on the date
>Mention that I'm into roast beef
>She tells me she has something to show me
>Go back to my place, show her around, start making out, getting handsy, etc
>Reach under her skirt, feel the absolute largest, longest labia I've ever seen. Irl, internet, or other wise.
>easily 4", 5.5" stretched
>Super turned on, 2hrs hot sex
>Lets me take this photo after
>Never speak again
>See this photo come up, 2 years ago today.
Not sure if this is the best thread. Hope you enjoy it
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Delicious, who is she?
> What would you do to her

Slowly build up a shy relationship while learning about her family and secretly reporting everyone to ice
low tide with a touch of shit
Think about that for a fraction of a second, the people who have the most sex are those in committed relationships doing it multiple times every day. Even someone who's fucked 100 dudes in 3 years has had less sex than most committed couples during that time.
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