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UK glamour models. Page 3, NUTS, ZOO, etc.

No fatties, no bloated exes, no old hags, no fermented shitpile wives.
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Can't get enough of her. You have more rare photoshoots like this?
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only about all of them
Post full photo for this >>22044552
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Not gonna find any specific photo in my folders easily. I am not very organized.
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No worries post whatever you find the best
Danielle and India were my favourite slags and it is a shame that they no longer let out their tits. Danielle at least had wild polaroids after the ladmags ended
Where do you find the old nuts or front photoshoots and videos? A lot of forums had download links but the hosts no longer work
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This was probably her hottest shoot from Nuts
Her Halloween shoot from Fronts is close second
Her MCG Retro shoot was great as well. Her boobs have shrunk in size since then. She looks too sickly and languid now
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There is a lucky motherfucker who has her full frontal shower polaroid, and there are even luckier motherfuckers who have had the chance to fuck her and suck on these glorious tits. The writer of the movie Goal!, Adrian being one of them.
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The absolute best.
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any pussy slips from danielle sellers or others?
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My top slags:
Danielle Sharp
Keeley Hazell
India Reynolds
Lucy Pinder
Danielle Sellers
Sabine Jemeljanova
Joey Fisher
Rosie Jones
Rhian Sugden
Nicole Neal
Holly Peers
Beth Lily
Rachel Williams
Libby Smith
Kelly Hall
Melissa Debling
Mellisa Clarke
Sophie Howard
Lucy Vixen
Michelle Marsh
Danica Thrall
Emma Glover
Courtney Knox
Kym Graham
Lacey Banghard
Katie Downes
Kelly Brook
Jessica Davies
Seren Gibson
Kitty Lea
Lauren Robson
Courtnie Quinlan
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Daisy's not a glamour model. Not homo, just not a mong
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Fuck off
Pride month is over: stop being gay.
Stop spamming Daisy Ridley in a glamour model thread, cunt
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>just does literal hardcore porn now
Many such cases
Out of all the Page 3 girls, she was always the most obvious one to go that way, let's not kid ourselevs
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where are these from and where to get the rest
Danielle Sharp and Idk, an old Front it looks like for the first three, maybe?
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They're all whores anyway lol. They basically are just a few steps behind high end call girls. Enough money and these skanks would do anything. The fact some of them have tried acting in bit parts is comical. They should just do porn.
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I'd estimate that most of them have escorted to an extent
How much does she >>22055132 charge?
I never looked it up, but she was apparently pretty expensive when she "totally wasn't doing it"
No wonder she can live off without any success on twitch or in modelling. Her onlyfans is dismal.
She did a lot of dubay porta potty stuff
That was not her. Danielle Sharp had a sugar daddy, she was dating the writer from the movie Goal. Holly Peers and Beth Lily were doing Dubai porta potty stuff.
As much as I'd like to believe Lucy has escorted, I think she made enough money just flashing tits to live comfortably. She's now dating some Premier League manager, good for them.
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Lucy's tits are bigger and better than ever at 41, she's such a mommy.

She just made #1 slot on the Babepedia.com top girl list lol, NYPA etc but I made an account to help her stay there for a bit and it'd be helpful if some other anons gave her a 10 as well.
made a quick account and rated /ourgirl/ 10/10
I wish she still looked like this
There must be sex tapes out there for more models, surprising to see only hers got leaked during fappening
I'd still fuck her
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Oh, I would too. Don't get me wrong. It's not like she's hideous now. Far from it, actually. But I'm more into thin Kelly Brook than thick Kelly Brook.
She really should do porn. After all, her name sounds like something a porn star would use...
Me, I like all Kelly Brook. A young Kelly and older Kelly threesome, somebody get a time machine or something!
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This pisses me off only because this level of quality and image resolution used to be the near standard but now any slag can take a shit quality phone picture and post it on OF for money.
And sadly Sophie is not one of said slags
On top of it, some of them are not even showing their tits like India Reynolds and Danielle Sharp
Didn't India have a sex atpe too?
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One of my old faves
Severely underrated
Rare shot where her nipples are hard
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any more from that shoot? Rock hard and stroking for her. it's jorgie porter, right?
Lucy Pinder is my favorite

I'm glad she never did porn, I prefer solo stuff anyways, watching someone get fucked is pretty gay.
Sophie Reade
And yes, she does tons of filthy degrading porn now
Good GOD do I miss The Pleasure Machine
>these faces
UK needs some diversity
No more from that shoot, it was from her 2018 calendar I believe, same as this one. And yes, it's Jorgie. Man has she bogged now though.
Fucking hell, what a butter face.
still fucking would though, even if just for the bragging rights
Seconded. I lost so much cum to her. Especially when she arched over, showing her cunt, arsehole, tits and face all in the same shot. There's one where she's all sweaty that springs to mind.
Damn, I wish I had a dick the size of a can of tennis balls to fuck her with!
they did a pretty convincing job photoshopping her wonky nipple
>Sophie Reade
quite literally bogged beyond all recognition
how bad are we talking?
>how bad are we talking?
Personally I took one look and said no thanks
Wonky? How??
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Gorgeous tits.
I don't think I seen her on this thread yet...
Busted so much to this shoot, definitely her best
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My mate used to live across the road from her in the late nineties, god she was a complete airhead, the number of times she nearly killed herself trying to park her fucking ugly pink convertible vw golf was amazing. god i miss the 1990s
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At least 3 summers of cumming to this whore daily
Who's that?


Danielle Sharp
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Fuck me Lilly looks old as fuck now.
Shame, as her fake tits are just about the most perfect shape.
She always had the best bolt ons in the biz
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>Keeley Hazel
I’m suddenly hit with so many memories
The shit they could get away with in the 2000s by virtue of big tits.

I miss it.
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worth a bump
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1. Lucy Pinder
2. Danielle Sharp
3. Beth Lily

4. Everyone else
Danielle Sharp is #1 for me, great face and tits. Some of these pics are new to me, where are you getting these from? Share more of her anon. This >>22091586 shot fucking drained me
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Yeah she always had the best face to me. Almost too good looking to be a softcore model.
Anon do you have more of these

Where did you get them from?
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You're replying to more than one person but in my case it's just from years of looking at forums, threads, discord, etc.
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You got actually proof that DS was on the game? I don't doubt there's a cross over between glamour girls and escorting but I'd wager that top tier like Keeley and Pinder only did it a few times for billionaires, whereas slags farther done the ladder who never became household names took their chances. I met Debling was doing it.
It is so hot when she is fully nude and shows off her amazing body and her cute face
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So cute
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>Bang Hard
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which shoot is this?
Bumping your request
danielle is so insanely beautiful it's unreal
I don't give a fuck if her OF is mid I still love her
Blonde or brunette, what was her peak phase?
dark hair with her eyes/pale skin is god tier
Brunette. 2012-2013 was her peak. Her halloween shoot where she is fully nude and covering her pussy with her hand and her pool shoot with Front where she is pulling her bikini to get her tits out with her rock hard nipples are my favorite.
She was more daring in her blonde phase though. She used to send out polaroids with a lot of shots being fully nude, hard nips sometimes outdoors and her pussy barely covered.
Man, I feel fucking jealous of the blokes who dated her. One old Hollywood writer got the chance to suck on her juicy tits and fuck her raw every night, and had his dick sucked by her while she looked at him with those eyes.
She could have become rich like other onlyfans whores if she put in some effort and gave the subscribers what they wanted but she is too dumb irl. Her decision to become and actress and then a twitch streamer without any personality were so stupid, she should have continued to model instead.
I've never found another glamour model as beautiful as her, only Keeley comes close.
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Imagine coming home to this heavenly body
is she still modelling?
No. She has an onlyfans but she doesn't go topless
My dad cheated on my mom with her. I got revenge for her by slapping that homewrecker on the ass really hard. She tripped and screamed on the way down to the pavement and broke her nose. She cried holding her bleeding nose. Justice was served that day.
Cool story bro. Would be better if it had happened.
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..Okay, yeah, it didn't happen. If it did, I would be calling her 'mommy' and my real mom by her first name.
You seem upset that no-one believes your made up story. Is that part of your kink too? In any case, keep posting pictures of Keeley.
>all you can eat
Challenge accepted
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I am very upset indeed... But I will definitely post more Keeley.

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