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Have you ever thought about it, seeing or having unpublished photos, please! Look for it or if you have more images and photos, right? Have you lost the posts from that time?
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this photo of her is genuinely so beautiful to me.
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this is a painting
Is not nudity? delete pls!
Did OP say he wanted nudes only? No, so go whine somewhere else.
You don't know what you're talking about.
No, it's a famous photograph.
Wait, I should not have skimmed the original post text. Sorry, this does not belong here.
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imagine hanging out on /s/ and not knowing the most famous Monroe pinup

that's like an art school major who doesn't know what the Mona Lisa is
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fuck... so cute and perfect. tight.
Bump, there's no image's stuff or sources kino?

anything else?

send it more nudes classics?
ebay as lots of nude vintage photos.
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i miss more tumblr sources since back then?
What a woman...
Anyone noticed that nipples back then were larger and puffier?
nowadays, women have smaller and flatter nips.

Do you think this is due to the lowered estrogen levels in females nowadays?As well as the increase of hormonal imbalance in today’s females?
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Good times in the neighborhood
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you sound like you are collecting pics for commercial use + english is not your main language.
Thread is nice thought.
interesting statement...
i would be happy to be able to contribute but I seldomely see women naked in rl.
Micro plastic acts as estrogen and it's part of the reason why young boys look more female today. Also higher concentration of toxines in the system tend to alter the development and growth.
Why is #4 wearing a monocle?
Because its AI generated
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its not ai
good luck charm or something lol
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Probably not created by AI, but upscaled by it for sure.
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There's something very wrong with the colors. I made a black and white print today, and it has no colors, not even from overcast.
Also looks like #1 must have cut her thumb while trying to trim/wax that mustache
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Imagine how passionate, forbidden and satisfying the secret flings that these women had with black bulls must have been at that time. Were talking about earth shattering orgasms that couldn't be matched by any white man she ever slept with before or since. Zoomer girls who are all openly bbc sluts have no idea that they've lost something special with modern tolerance of their behaviour.
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This is beautiful. Any chance you would be willing to share the original? No worries at all if not.
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Dad had this framed in his shop.
My understanding is that the way bras are now has a big influence on the shape of tits.
Same but at my uncle's in the garage
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As a teen I remember reading that some comic book artist took inspiration from 50s 60s pin up girls. June Palmer was mentioned. I cannot for the life of me remember what book it was, but it was in the school library so it can't be that obscure.
I have this one in hanging my studio, nig women apparently hate hot redheads lmao

I want to know why so many women back then had torpedo tits.

Pretty unusual for a woman to have a shaved pussy in those days!

I started fucking women in 1980, and there was always a big mop of pubic hair at that time. They might trim it a bit with scissors to wear bikinis in the summer, but never shaved.

About 1985 there was a trend towards a nicely trimmed, narrow "landing strip" on the mons, to go along with the very high-cut bikini bottoms of the day, and by about 1990 the labia might be shaved bare too, if the girl was daring.

I fucked a completely shaved, bald cunt for the first time in 1996. That was a year or two after the "Brazilian wax" became known to women from the Sex and the City show.

The bald pussy had a pretty good run for the next twenty-five years after that, but I see it is going back to the landing strip now.
Dad had this framed in his shop
Why does the girl on the left look so familiar?
"Old Vintage?"

This thread made possible by a grant from The Department of Redundancy Department.
Because they would directly inject silicone into the body back then, and it would take up space where available pushing into this shape. They later realized how horrible this was for health, so started encapsulating them into sacs leading to the now common appearance of implants.
Maybe it’s because it’s not the norm but there’s something magical about vintage photos where the gal is bush free.
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More vintage shaved
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most torpedo tits are actually normal tits, it's just that most women being photographed naked back then were also dancers and that means they had poise. so they're posing and extending their thoracic spines to push their chests out, which brings their nippes up and makes them point forwards. posture used to be considered important in the west.

the photo you are referring to are actual 'torpedo' tits in that that they have large conical areola. that's genetic and there are still pornstars around that look like that. it's no less common now because it wasn't common then. tits like that being more common back then is actually just a meme and if you look at a lot of old porn you start to realize this. it's literally just bitches standing up straight and people getting confused.

>Pretty unusual for a woman to have a shaved pussy in those days!
dancers and models mainly. and by models not so much porn as higher end maybenotquiteporn and art stuff.

that was over by the 60s and not even that common. the first silicone implants were developed in the 60s and became standard. the 'now common appearance' today is because they're saline, not silicone these days. saline implants don't deform like silicone does, and their shape isn't affected by gravity. bolt on tits are saline. and those tits you're referring to are neither.
I must say their pussy bush looks so much thicker & defined than today’s . Just love vintage bush and the stockings etc
Gentlemen... I love bush.
lot of them are really not shaved just air brushed out do to porn laws at them time.
very informative and insightful. thanks anon
Now finish the entire speech.
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I liked the hotties from the 60s more, including more photos of the glamour strippers or amateurs
The Obama family photo album.
we dont want any amy schumer oinkers
That's Linda Blair (of "The Exorcist" fame), not Amy Schumer, young'un anon.
Mom had this framed in her shop
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no fucking way. I don't believe you
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Kek... Tell me you have prosopagnosia without telling me you have prosopagnosia.
Not that Anon, but I agree it looks like her in the face. Better body though.
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how does someone type shit like this?
mental illness
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Are you my cousin from Ohio?
Uschi Digard
I used to have a large file of Uschi. .. she's notable for appearing in Russ Meyer's Supervixens and many magazines. ..
Looks like the girls gym coach for 5th and 6th grades at the school I went to in the early 90s
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Great thread!
I don’t like saying old good new bad ask the time, but these hurt to look at desu. My first gf had a bush at least and was slim.
Wrong, it is a masterpiece.
Belle delphines grandma
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what a cutie
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I have read this five times and still no idea what the topic of the thread is. Good job.
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>I have read this five times and still no idea what the topic of the thread is. Good job.
me either! I think best translation would be "post rare images"...or something?! lol
review more vintage or lost and recovered tumblr photos before late 2018.

So, how?
About higher
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Why are boomer women even when they were young so ugly? And the bush gag me with a spoon. This entire thread reminds me just how disgusting 3d humans are.
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Not sure how old you are, but women back then actually were natural for the most part and ate healthier. They didn't have this fake artificial look to them like most IG sluts and onlywhores do today. Sure all women back then typically would follow fashion trends and beauty standards, as do all generations, but it was a more elegant look, and could show off their true beauty. Now all you have is BBLs and big fake tits. Don't even get me started on the facial injections and bone shaving, or plastic surgery.
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This is not real, faggot
KYS, coomer shut-in
that is from a set of nude playing cars from the 1950s
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so, there's this thing called survivorship bias. How many women were alive, back at the time this pic was taken? now, how many of those women would have accepted being photographed naked? Now, how many photographers were who wanted to take pictures of naked women? Now, cross those numbers and ask youself, how many of those photographs survived to the modern day where someone could scan them and upload them online? Now ask, how many of those photographs are represented on this website?

are you seriously going to judge a billion people based on a few dozen photographs? And consider that all of these stages were influenced by the participant's tastes. There were tons of women who had would have loved to be photograhed naked, but they the photographers didn't think they were sexy, or the person collecting the pics tossed photos they didn't think were sexy. or the person scanning pics tossed out those he didn't think were sexy. or the person posting them on 4chan ditched the ones he didn't think were sexy.

please use some common sense
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i would have just called him an underage retard
youre a real gentleman
Genuinely want this in high res. Its amazing.
Bettie Page influenced my taste in women so much I can’t even get hard to blonds anymore.
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Love her. Whoever that is :D
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Step 1: Be a MASSIVE Incel Faggot...
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shut the fuck up, nerd.
I know the Law - if recognize that butthole, I have to say something about it. And I recognize that butthole.
nope there photos from the 1950' and 1960's learn to tell the difference between real and ai
Not that Anon, but he's referring to the upscaling that was clearly done. Yes, they're actual photos of women, but they've been sloppily enhanced by computers.
Face is super crisp but body is artifacted, wtf
Wait that’s THE butthole?
Her face kinda reminds me of a young Annette Funicello.
To hell they ate healthier. Vitamin deficiency, excess of fats, and acess to good food were the norm. People in general looked older at 30 Years due to this.
Bra geometry was different back then. Don't listen to the others.
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Her Centerfold
Do you ask for more photos or do you owe me?
What is missing.
please! You can show it.

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