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Bonus points for Retro
What is their purpose?
To entertain the gallery while the cars are getting ready
What do they do to entertain?
They serve the same purpose as cheerleaders or ring girls. Something sexy to look at while the athletes get ready.
We are still apes.
There worse fucked up shit out there in world. Like wars and etc. .
Men like to look at pretty women. Yes, humans are animals but we're a little bit more civilized than apes
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Absolute goddess
yeah she pretty cute
You're on a fucking porn board on 4chan and you think ogling swimsuit girls is apeish?
It does lack some level of civility.
this is a DIY yurt instructional video forum actually
More like RICE Queens, amirite? Haha.
oh you
These girls are real?? I thought they were just a Ridge Racer thing.
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They very much are
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maybe if anons could bump that would be nice, I gotta work tomorrow, can't stay up forever
Bumping for concept
M8, shut the fuck up.
Nobody's making them do this, and what's wrong with attractive women promoting a sporting activity?
Nice reach, lol.
I find the race girls from the 80s and early 90s very endearing. They were sometimes a little homely but good bodies in those swimsuits were just a classic look that I'm very nostalgic for.
They get to look pretty and earn money without being harrased, touched or assaulted since there's security at these events. Feminism have abolished this career so the girls now go on OFs and show their buttholes instead.
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