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Never crossed my mind to pay for porn but I would if Alexa Loren or Sunny Leone came back.
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I want to see her taking it lying down so bad
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This is the first pic of Alexa Loren I saw (probably 10 years ago). Instantly had a crush on her.
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And number 6
This chick does something for me
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sit on me pls
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Aria Giovanni
Absolute goddess. Appartenly has a career in the wine industry now.
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Brittany O'Connell
no dicks allowed on /s/
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Find a sexier redhead, if you can.
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would do anything to bring her back
Is that Scarlett Madison?
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did she ever go nude or do anything more explicit?
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no dicks on s tard
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i know. RIP
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She was hot in her tape I don't care
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Agreed but we still get nudes lol (I know this one is old now)
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Sure you want her (or any of these girls) to come back? 10-20 yrs out of the biz means a lot of changes, mostly undoing the hotness.
what the hell, is she a janitor now?
jesus christ. looks like a lesbian home improvement contractor
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this fat titted slut kelsey berneray. i want to see her come back and get railed and those huge tits bounce
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I always wondered how Claire Bandit would have looked like as a MILF.
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her, Jayden James, and Jessica Lynn
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Maisie Rain. Only shot for 3-4 UK companies (no B/G at all) in the span of 2 years then disappeared completely. Has the super hot chav look. Would love to know/see what she's doing now
Did she ever do anything aside from a handful of softcore shoots?
iirc she has a doctorate and a new career working with insects or something like that. Apparently she really was just working her way through college for a while.

All of these bitches get old and most of them lose their looks and their figure. Few of them make something of themselves.
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Miko Lee. Wanna see that tight little asian milf get put through the extreme scenes they churn out these days.
>she has a doctorate

Exhibit 1,114,887 of how dumbed-down "college" has became.
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I didn't even realize she was an actual Pajeet until a couple of years ago
I always thought she was Hispanic
Spics and jeets are both whites mixed with local browns so it isn't that surprising that you would be confused.
A doctorate in what? Sucking dick?
We all wish that it was on camera. Aria used to be pretty fucking attractive when you were wearing diapers, kid
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Are there any retired Porn Stars who haven’t let themselves go?
You are the blackest nigger that ever nigged. Go fuck yourself. And after you're done? Do the world a favor and kill yourself
Eva angelina comes to mind, id like to know what bree olson is doing now. Oh, i think jenna haze does real estate and sasha grey is a dj or something. I think yhvivi lives on a farm but idk what she looks like.
Who's she?
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Jenna is still hot as fuck
This is from a few months ago
I was obsessed with her
Aria Giovanni, unfortunately
Woe! You know what? She's always been "something special", and I use that term extremely sparingly. I've cucked out and watched interviews with her, and she legit seems smart and funny. Bitch could get these ha has, for real. Super good on her for navigating the matrix and coming out on top. I fucking love that bitch
Apparently her sister Sophia, who was also an actress died this year :(
Can I include pre plastic surgery?
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I wonder how she looks these days
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> Casey Parker
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> Raven Lynn / Riley Cyrus

Saw her in a Dancing Bear video in 2008-ish and spent the last 15 years trying to find her name. Thankfully last year I did and she has other sex scenes.


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Just discovered...

> Jenna Reid


She seems like the prototype for pre-bimbo Lily Lou.
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Bro...that look and that ass...I'm saving lol
Yall got good taste
If it's significant enough of a change, sure
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> Dolly Little

We still may get more videos from her despite retiring because she did 4+ sex scenes for FTVx around 2016 that haven't been released.
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Capri Anderson just disappeared one day. Hope she's alright and didn't catch anything from Charlie Sheen.
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August Ames
Still would
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Carmella Bing (after many months on a diet)
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Jenna Presley
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Lanny Barbie
Id go pre diet, i love that scene of bigger bing, but id be happy either way.
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this is fine too, I guess.
Thanks for sharing this one, dude
I fell in love with her. Such gorgeous tits and more
Never knew her
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missy woods
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August Taylor
Danica collins
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I miss her bros...
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Alison Tyler
I really dont understand what's so hard about not posting dicks on this board. It's basically the main rule and you faggots still cant help yourselves. not seeing enough dicks? Is that what the problem is?

I heard of quite a few porn stars becoming realtors. Is there a reason for this?
I think she quit permanently.
Yeah, i like the fit and tone model look but this is appealing to me too. Like this would be a great looking wife imo. But i do like softer women.
I thinks its an easy to get license and you work off of comission or something similiar. So if you sell a big expensive house you could just relax a bit since you just made a big bag. So i guess its like a schedule thing, more free time less hands on work hours.
you ruined my fucking week
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Totally agree on her. Hoping she at least made some decent money after dealing with Charlie Sheen's insanity.
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Ginger Lee
>/s/ is surprised a middle aged Italian woman looks like a stereotypical Italian mom
God yes
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Dakota Tyler
yeah me too
perfect face, perfect tits, perfect body, perfect everything, i really miss her
good taste anon
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What happen to her?
Well you can look this up but if google isnt working for you: She retired and got a regular job and had a kid. Once in a blue moon she'll post to her subreddit and give a very brief update on her life. Allegedly she was going to come back to porn but I dont think it ever happened.
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Valentina Matteucci aka Eva Alegra
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What does Taylor Vixen look like right now? She did lesbian porn only but she was so fucking hot
Probably the tallest, juiciest pornstar ever
She was perfection but time and bad decisions
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Zoey Nixon. dropped gallons to her
She got hotter as she aged
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Still would
Ghost nipples
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Lolly Badcock
She one of 3 girls that stayed healthy from a population of like ten thousand. God bless Jenna Haze.
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Good god almighty! How the mighty have fallen....
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She did a ton of vids in a VERY short time then disappeared, which is all too common.
Actually I think she started in 2008 so she probably doesn't look like this anymore.
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i still remember her bts scenes where she talks about zelda and video games
if she had started porn a couple of years ago she'd had been the most popular star ever
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She said she was taking a break because she gained too much weight and was not getting work. She never returned.
Sad, I would have happily taken chubby scenes with her.
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Kasey Chase
I don't know how many buckets I've filled watching her
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Was about to fap to this scene but my cocksucking neighbors are blaring music at 800 in the fucking morning and will likely wake my parents.

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I'd like to see actual walled milf Gianna Michaels, I wanted to pics to see her with her baby. I just want to see the sower of so much wasted seed with her offspring.

SAD desu mangs
she's a blonde!?!?!? wtf
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I married a Baltic blonde, and I always lamented she wasn't curvy like Aria.
but she's 47 now and still skinny and hot.
like holy shit I dodged a bullet.
I dated a few adult models and actresses in my 20's and they all become fat or got body dismorphia and became surgically altered nightmares.....
she did this whole big "my husband abused me to do porn and now we've divorced, but I'm totally coming back to porn"
but then never did
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hah not a pornstar. model maybe
most perfect body ever!
Yep, her real hair color.
oh man, I love LT941 too
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Angel Dark is still hot as fuck imo.
And yes, I know she isn't really retired but she's only done obscure lesbian scenes over the past few years, I just wish she would come back in the mainstream industry
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Nikki Nova was the first pornstar I ever got really attached to. I don't think she ever did anything other than softcore though.
Too bad about the face.
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Masuimi Max
I would've killed to have seen her actually do hardcore scenes. she would've been amazing.
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Allie Sin .. I wish she had an OF or something.. I miss her.
Alyssa Branch is my favorite Girl-Next-Door pornstar.

I heard she had to retire due to pregnancy and I’ve give almost any amount to see her pregnant breast-milk titties.
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Ashlynn Brooke
I thought she said she wanted to do age play porn but she kept getting booked for interracial

No. Allie was hot as fuck but her porn was shitty.
Alyssa Rosales

2013 was fucking insane
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Definitely Aneta Buena. I could drink cum of 20 dudes to have her do a scene.
Karia hart is a beauty
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mz berlin was so fucking fine back in the day
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i'd eat carol goldnerova's pussy till my tongue disappeared
Kasia. I hear she's married now, though.
She's a fucking cow now.
Same with Maitresse Madeline.
She was absolutely stunning, and her scene with Gabriella Kerez is astounding

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