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other body hair is allowed but focus is on the pits.
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Hairy women is peak femininity!
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Normalize hairy women! I'll be back later...
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right on.
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I'm back...
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Not sure honestly....
here's another of her

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camille alexander
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Thanks my man!


very beautiful
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Ending with a thick, curvy, hairy goddess...
See you guys around, I'll be back!
girl I know used to dye them
names camille alexander
hate it when they do that. just leave it natural.
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Nettie Harris
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love her. her nipples are great.
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This can't be real, but I like it
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fucking perfect, cute tummy too
shame about the cut scars
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love those perky tits
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What's that on her pussy? Discharge? Cum?
just pussy juice. it's on her fingers too.
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Really wish there was sauce available.
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Okay, I'll contribute
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Any pics with unshaved face and nipples?
she doesn't grow facial hair (thank god) and she doesn't grow nipple hair (unfortunate) .
>Hairy women is peak femininity!
that's an opinion you are having.
but.... i can't exactly say you're wrong.
You can literally see heavy mustache stubble and sideburns/jawline and there's no way she doesn't grow nipple hair.
whatever helps you sleep at night, champ.

Fuck. I fell in love.
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Being Israeli, its possible Gal Gadot had pit hair at least once in her life but I am sure when she got her first big acting job she shaved it smooth and probably got laser or electrolysis.
Having said that, several real celebs did grow and keep the fur.

>and probably got laser or electrolysis.
you're probably right. I can't even find a pic where she has stubble. what a shame. she probably had a lot of it, too.
Stubble is not sexy.
Either shave it smooth or let it grow.
I didn't claim it was sexy. my point was if she had visible stubble it would prove that she has still hairs growing there.
Oh yeah we all hope she does. Maybe in a few years when she feels more comfortable she'll let it grow back.
Her and Emma Watson.
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>Being Israeli, its possible Gal Gadot had pit hair at least once in her life
Is that a thing in Israel?
No, anon is retarded
Of course you can't say much about the Orthodox Jewish women who cover up and dress modestly almost as severely as Muslim women (who btw are religiously prescribed to pluck or trim their pit hair and pubes)
But the secular Israeli women like Gadot would shave their body hair pretty much the same way as women do in the West, probably more because there's a huge beach/bikini culture in Israel
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riley let the fur out a little while in 2019.
NOT 2020 when most people were locked in their homes.
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Annnnd thats all I've got
I want to creampie every woman in this thread. every single one.
OK so I just posted 3 pics and the site said upload successful but nothing happened.
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that's weird, can you try again?
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Hairy Angela, Fansly
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Rare and hot.
Limit reached.
i really wish this was more common with women who aren't inked up art hoes
The only women who arent inked up ho's live in third world shitholes, and they prefer to shave. You'd have to green card some poor girl from bombed out Chechnya and forbid her from tatting.
I'm pretty certain that shaving is less prevalent in poorer countries that haven't been influenced as much by the west. Body hair is definitely more of a first world "problem". People in eastern europe or latin america aren't as brainwashed and simply have other things to worry about.
Maybe some women there will shave specifically for a date, but in general you will find a lot more hairy women in those places.
>People in eastern europe or latin america aren't as brainwashed and simply have other things to worry about.
>Maybe some women there will shave specifically for a date, but in general you will find a lot more hairy women in those places.

You need to go to the most blightest corners of the world to find women struggling so badly they don't prioritize their self image. South America has latin culture which REALLY emphasizes feminity more than even Americans or western europeans do.
>>I'm pretty certain that shaving is less prevalent in poorer countries that haven't been influenced as much by the west
Then you're stupid. Everyone has had smartphones for 15 years now.
This will be shocking to you, but smartphones don't rule people's lives anon. As I said, they have other shit to worry about than to think about first world shit like, keeping your body hair free at all times.
>South America has latin culture which REALLY emphasizes feminity
And what exactly has that to do with shaving? Women can be feminine in a lot of ways. I just don't think that's a priority there as much as it is here.
>>This will be shocking to you, but smartphones don't rule people's lives anon.
>As I said, they have other shit to worry about than to think about first world shit like, keeping your body hair free at all times.
Like what, moron, you think everyone outside your retarded American nignogcity lives in mud huts?
>And what exactly has that to do with shaving? Women can be feminine in a lot of ways.

"A lot of ways" doesn't mean the way it is for them over there. That sort of relativism doesn't actually exist in the real world, body hair is seen masculine everywhere men actually grow it, especially hairy ass swarthy people.

>I just don't think that's a priority there as much as it is here.
You think.

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