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In celebration of the Diane Guerrero Outtakes, I want to know your guys' favorite celeb nudity debut

It's gonna take me a while to post them all but if you haven't seen them yet you're welcome
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I'm in love with her
>celeb nudity debut
in movies or photoshoots
Gotta say Anne Hathaway, Margot Robbie, and Vanessa Hudgens.
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Eva Green in The Dreamers
Fucking idiot can't even take a pic that's in focus, was he fapping while shooting?
Yes I was
damn i wanted to see some cunt!
Best nude debut ever

Here's Eva Green's perfect cunt lips in 4K
How about you read the fucking post you dipshit

these are outtakes
Nice nips. Weird outfit
thank you, anon
Damn! I learned something new rooday.

Also, fav nide debit;
Christina Ricci in Prozac Natiom.
Assuming these are real, you're my HERO!!!
Hot damn they don't disappoint.

the high-res photos can be found here :

Thanks Anon!
You having a stroke, anon?
Take that question either way.

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