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Last thread hit image limit. Round 2?
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size 35 smelly and sweaty cum sponges. Any interest?
I want to bury my face into those soles
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more nylons please
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for me, foot pics are better when i know a bit about the girls so imma share pics of oc i've taken of girls i know irl + a bit about them

College gf. From the era when Toms were hella popular, so they were her go-to shoe. She wore them with socks because her feet would get smelly till she found out I liked the smell, then she went sockless. Never took much for her feet to stink up a pair of shoes if she went sockless.
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She loved the attention that she got from posting her feet but otherwise didn’t care much about it. Her feet were ticklish and while she didn’t mind sniffing and kissing, she didnt really like foot worship cuz she hated the feeling of saliva on her feet
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Friend from my hometown friend group that had a crush on me. Didn’t have a ton of money so she tended to wear the same shoes until they were worn tf out. As a result her feet were pretty consistently smelly, especially since she went barefoot in flats and slip-ons and her feet easily sweat and got clammy
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Personality-wise, she was an open-minded progressive, leftist type of girl before those words became super polarizing in american culture. Stoner, meme-queen type of girl with a couple cats that she loved. Not really into anime but went to conventions because her friend group liked going to party at cons
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I don't like when I can see under their toenails, it's gross.
Gotta keep em short like this, it's cute.
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Imagine the smell.
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Cute, petite feet that get ruined with long toenails. Why do Asian gals do this. It looks so gross, especially when there is gunk underneath those claws.
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this angle is hot af, got any more of her?
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I love these writeups! Thanks so much for the backstory, I totally agree it makes it hotter.
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sorry, i got lazy and stopped partway through but i'm back

Not much to say here. Went on one date with this girl. Got a princess’y vibe from her, so I wasn’t really a fan but wanted some action so we made out in the car. Tbh she’s probably a cool person, I just wasn’t feeling it that day.

yeah np, glad you agree. imma add some more
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She had a foot injury and was wearing a wrap of some kind and when we were in the car, I mentioned I had a foot fetish and she seemed really interested/intrigued, but didnt wanna show feet then and there. I actually think I said she didn’t have to show feet in order to make her feel comfortable, but in hindsight I should’ve just gone for it
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Girl from my extended college friend group that had a crush on me. She went to a different school but we had mutuals and after she graduated, started to hang with us more. I didn’t know her that well but I thought she was cute so I tried hanging with her more. Big flip-flops type of girl.
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As a new grad, she’d talk about her anxiety of getting a job and her lack of money so i told her about feet pics/videos and stuff. I think her crush did a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of accepting it, so we met one night and I tickled her feet in the car. Over the next few weeks, we’d meet to shoot foot stuff, very informally. She was pretty damn ticklish on her feet.
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Also a big stoner type who (I think) studied poly sci in college. Big party girl type who loved raves and road trips. We never really went anywhere in terms of a relationship, and it fizzled out.
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My current girl. She grew up pretty poor so her shoes were usually cheap little flats or sneakers that she wore sockless and made her feet smell. Even though her feet don’t sweat easily, she still gets pretty self-conscious about potential smell and won’t wear anything sockless if she knows she’s gonna take off her shoes elsewhere. Tends to wear casual sneakers, slip-ons, and sandals. She loves heels but doesn’t get a chance to wear them much.
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When we first met, her feet were a bit rough since she’s a former competitive dancer, but they’ve gotten much better over time. Even if they are still a bit rough in some spots. Despite all that, she’s still the most ticklish person ever. Seriously. Sniffing her feet sends her into giggle fits and actually worshipping her is a full-on mission. Could be annoying if you’re not into tickling but I am so it’s fine
Do you have Emily’s giantess shots?
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At the beginning she was incredibly foot shy, generally getting self-conscious if her soles were exposed in public.
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Over time though, she got a lot better about it, though it’s less “confidence” and more of just “dealing with the embarrassing feelings” lol
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Still not a fan of getting tickled, but will indulge me every now and then, especially if it’s a custom and we’re getting paid a lot
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we need more webms in here
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Anybody have full SoleNation clips? I found it free on a chinese forum. It's the equivalent of mega.io but chinese version. Not sure how to make an account as it asks with phone number + don't want to download spyware with their client

heh yeah, you posted one i made; she's nice
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Does that mean you have more?
I do. Sauce is @aki_kyonyu on twitter.
Holy based
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love this girl
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Fucking based director, Tarantino is a hack
How did she smell? What kind of shoes did she wear?
That was a nice fap, thank you
Fap best achieved by loading the webm into a media player, setting a repeat point on the part where it's showing her soles, and slowing the speed down, by the way
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Agreed especially this scrunch part, almost guaranteed to busy everytime
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>> 22073141
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yuri loves showing them off. total mommy now
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god i love tiny asian feet
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i didn't make this but take this
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most of snsd are/were huge feet sluts (not that im complaining)
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amateur sells on ig
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And I came again, great stuff
Anyhow here's the full video on YouTube with audio
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IVF and sperm commerce just feel so against nature, it disgust me at a very deep level. I even feel the resulting poor kids as humunculus, not real humans freaks. I rationally know they're just like us, but instinct is telling me that there's something very wrong under the surface of this practice. It's like accepting homosexuality as normal, you just can't get enough propaganda to erase the repulsion from your guts
Who? The sperm bank spammer or the hater?
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