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Fat, fucking KHAZAR MILKERS only please.
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Excellent thread, just in time
I've been jerking off to this kike slut recently
Phenomenal titties
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i don't think a single one of these women is jewish
she is literally a blonde with blue eyes.
This, as we all know it is impossible to change the color of your hair
when did Abby Shapiro go from this >>22057433 to this >>22057432
I impregnated her
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Who is she?
Big beaks on girls make me diamonds. Oomph. Love Jewish women.
wait, she is jewish?
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Whipitdev or nevelpapperman
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She's Irish you retarded fuck
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> Her father was a Catholic of Irish and Norwegian descent, while her mother was Jewish[8][9][10] and was educated at a yeshiva.[11][12]
How about you do a simple Google search before acting like someone with a niggerturd for a brain?
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Oh word, I guess you learn something new every day. How about you at least post the photo with both of her tits instead of being a fag or at least post Natalie Portman who loves being a jew
>at least post Natalie Portman who loves being a jew
She doesn't have tits though
Your really reaching.
1/4 or 1/8th is like claiming someone 1/4 black is black. Nobodies buying it.
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As an ambassador of the IttyBittyTitty Community, and GirlsBelowBcups, I sincerely ask you to remove this post, thank you
Ok, time for quality
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In Jewish tradition, the bloodline is passed down by the mother. Matrilineal inheritance of the Jewish bloodline has always been a thing. Might want to do some reading before having a shit fit about fractions and someone not being Jewish enough to count. According to Jewish tradition, the mother being Jewish is all that's required.
I believe under talmudic tradition it is matrilineal, and under torah law it's patrilineal. Typical jewish tricks.
Has Leila Lowfire been confirmed to be Jewish?
Who's she?
no she's arab
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You know someone can be Irish AND Jewish, right?
Go ask a jew if you can be both Irish and jewish. Their answer may surprise you, lol.

>Huh, why does my local synagogue require proof of jewish lineage if it's a religion? Weird!
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Imagine smelling her post work out body while she bullies you for not being cut...

No nudes afaik.
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So horny thinking about a gigantic saved up cumshot spashing all over her jew mark (necklace) and down her cleavage and massive khazar milkers!
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Possible this woman is Jewish. I have no idea - I'm just here for the tits.
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The only thing good about jews is their women have fat fucking tits
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Saw Beetlejuice 2 and Wino still looks amazing
and? her mother's side of the family is a bunch of Russian and Polish jews that fled to the States. she is a practicing jew, from a Jewish family
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What's your point?
no, you can't. Take it from a Pole, and we had fucking tons of "polish" jews here once.
I want to titrape this whore so fucking bad
Her name IS RATakowski. That should have been a dead give-away. Nevermind that you can't spot a jew just by looking at them. Ngmi
She'd be insulted if you didn't
1/4 or 1/8 Black is Black. Everybody is buying it but you, dipshit.

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