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Indigenous Women of the Americas
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stop posting AI fag
>no tribal booba
A thread died for this
surely you could of included some human sacrifice ones dude!
i love this girl
oh fuck this girl, too!
Balou ?
All images were ripped from The Atlas of Beauty. These are real women (female). Some of them look odd because of the post editing the photographer chose to do.
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also known as latinas
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quality thread
el bumpo
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latinas is what came out of them after the spanish arrived
How cute.
el bumpo
I think I just found my type
The vast majority of the girls posted ITT are mestizas.

I don't blame the Spaniards or Portuguese one bit tbqh mangs.
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I think I want to marry her.
this thread was JUST for me
She's beautiful <3
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I wish we had cameras back in the day
imagine orientalism but in the americas
me too, buddy, me too
But they did exist
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Woman (female)

You repeat yourself.
looks like a south east asian. (this is not a complain)
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