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Indigenous Women of the Americas
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stop posting AI fag
>no tribal booba
A thread died for this
surely you could of included some human sacrifice ones dude!
i love this girl
oh fuck this girl, too!
Balou ?
All images were ripped from The Atlas of Beauty. These are real women (female). Some of them look odd because of the post editing the photographer chose to do.
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also known as latinas
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quality thread
el bumpo
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latinas is what came out of them after the spanish arrived
How cute.
el bumpo
I think I just found my type
The vast majority of the girls posted ITT are mestizas.

I don't blame the Spaniards or Portuguese one bit tbqh mangs.
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I think I want to marry her.
this thread was JUST for me
She's beautiful <3
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I wish we had cameras back in the day
imagine orientalism but in the americas
me too, buddy, me too
But they did exist
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Woman (female)

You repeat yourself.
looks like a south east asian. (this is not a complain)
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Damn, I love this thread, thank you for the book recommendation, I really love seeing the differences between people all over the world
they are our asian brothers
i'm from bolivia many europeans can't tell difference if they saw just our face
only people here are more with overweight than asians
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>thank you for the book recommendation
The Atlas of Beauty 2 was supposed to come out 4 years ago or something. But the c00f affected the photographer heavily as she travels to these states. >>22060687 and >>22061173 are, from I can tell, leaked images from AB2. The lady does good work. I'm gonna buy a physical copy of the 2nd one once it comes out. I especially love when she includes an excerpt from her interaction. One of the pictures I posted, from Columbia I think, had the woman weary of the photographer. She thought the photographer was related to some nefarious organization until convinced to have her picture taken. I didn't post a lot of older women because this is a coomer board. There were loads of beautiful old women. Perhaps not sexually arousing, but they were beautiful in their own rights.

If you're savvy, here's where you can get the work:
Just search "atlas of beauty"^

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Thank you anon, downloading it rn. Yeah, I love the photos, I'm not going to say I didn't get a chubby here and there, but I'm really intrigued by differences between different ethnicities and cultures. Recently I've been fascinated by some hegreart photo sessions were they had girls of different ethnicities and stuff, and to see the difference in body proportions and stuff is so cool.

Sorry for webm related, one of the only things I have that fit the theme, they may not be 100% indigenous but they are Brazilians so at least a little bit they are kek. If I find the HegreArt photoshoot I'll post it if that's ok.

Ah yeah, I'm addicted to this indigenous song, losely related to the thread, so:
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>The Atlas of Beauty
>goes to Brazil
>probably the most diverse country in the world
>takes a bunch of photos
>but only of black girls, and a tranny
Well, that was disappointing
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If you do a facecheckid search on her you'll see she has way more nudes and did porn at one point. Couldn't get a name though as you have to pay to get sources
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Blondes in Brazil are mostly found in the southern part, close to Uruguay and Argentina.
It is German and Swiss heritage from migrations from the early 20th Century.

What the actual fuck is that woman bringing kids?
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This is not an indigenous woman.

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