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Showing feet and legs, Celebs, models or other
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good lord
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oh shit her shoes makes me wanna suck her toez
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check these out
I want her toes so bad
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zooming on her sole
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I want my cock in between her sole and her shoe as she dangle on it
Victoria was once roommates with Melania in europe
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Would anyone like a Victoria Silvestedt worship thread?
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Yes definitely
I love her mules and arches, she is such a hot woman
I moved the the pnw and all the women here wear birkenstocks or other similar sandals and i've fallen in love with them. a lot of natural nails here as well, where as most women i saw with open shoes would have painted nails where i used to live
these teva sandals as well i see a lot along with other hiking sandals
These one nice on her
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Amina oh fuck

Victoria thread
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Oh fuccck i love when i zoom right in on soles like that
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Them legs and heels
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a man of taste i see
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Kylie and kendall choices of shoe makes me love their feet all the more
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Best Kylie coming through
I love her pantyhosed toes here, she is so hot
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>showing legs
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out of all the sheboons out there this one has to be the ugliest
I take creepshots of women's feet in sandals every now and then, would anybody be interested in sharing some?
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fucking hot. more pantyhose please.
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