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This thread is dedicated to images evoking the feeling of distant past, traditional countrysides, folkloric (or pagan) festivities and similar stuffs.
Images don't have to be accurate, women in traditional inspired dresses are fine too, but try to avoid posting totally fantasy stuffs and dresses looking too "plastic".
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I like this concept.
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Sweet thread OP
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Where can I find a gambeson wearing tomboy gf?
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She looks better with the hood on
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Does anyone know this model’s name? She’s in a lot of Armstreet’s photos.
Source or anything similar?
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those are some pale ass Bretzn
fucking shame
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You know it's a painting, right?
(I like his art too, tho)

Huh so this was what Obi Wan was hooking up with all those years
Haha Armstreet! I thought I recognized this photo
Literally any ren fair
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My autism can only see this:

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Wow source?
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It's a photo by Oksana Leshchenko. Here is the rest: https://35photo.pro/photo_3835819/#author/3835819

Also, pic attached is some other photo by her. Sadly they aren't available in higher resolutions.
quality thread
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The perfect type of "skinny" that I adore.
Great thread
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These are my favorite threads
Like a painting.
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god this upscale is hideous
I really love some of these. Anyone have any recommendations on photographers or websites I should check out where I can see more like this?
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Any more of this girl?
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Looks pretty good to me
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All upscales are hideous.
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sauce on the one on the left please?
Yeah, they have good taste in ladies.
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>I want to be ninjaaaaaaa
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Linnea Regnander. It's from a Scandinavian themed fashion shoot. The other model is Julia Hafstrom. Both are Swedes.
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