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Smiling babes. Nude or topless.
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Loved her in all her GHS scenes
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The thumbnail looks like someone activated big head mode.
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just a plug for Leana Lovings
after 20 years of browsing porn, I have to say she ticks all my boxes and I can now die happy, she is so cute and has such a nice smile and has such a great dirty talk voice. /s should have a 'supercute' thread just for her

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yeah she was a real find for me too
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lol accurate
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If you're not smiling when you're naked in front of a camera then you're doing it wrong!
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Does that look like a smile to you?
Fucking degenerate retard, kys
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This is the wonkiest image
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There must be a lot of Aspergers here who can't tell what a smile is.
fapped so much to this lady
wonder how she's turned out these days
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sexy milf
> image is modified so hash is different
Wish I could remember who this is. IIRC the sauce is known for this image?
Reverse image search results: Camgirl Sashabae aka Lovelykitty, Lovelykittie


One of her most legendary videos: https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=6735639&name=lovelykittie-oil-show
Damn what service did you use? I couldn't find shieeet on yandex
I just looked up reverse image search and chose the first one, happened to be TinEye:
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this woman is beautiful
Who is she

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