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that faggot again
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she is so cute bros.
i must change the world for her
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Short hair = tomboy

Because I'm retarded.
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Good for you! Good for you.
oh wow, thats adorable
Super fucking cute
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This is literally me favorite file that I have saved on my computer. It's absolutely perfect. Every single thing about it is perfect.
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Any moar of her?
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does anyone know who she is?
thanks anon. much love
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managed to find another pic of her, if anyone knows the name/social media, let us know
have you found the name anon?
Sho nuff, homie
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Any long haired tomboys?
I DEMAND she become my girlfriend and crush my balls rn immediately!
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A bit of reverse search would be enough for you to find it. She was quite popular here for a while, but she was a tomboy mostly in looks. Otherwise quite meh.

Kittens (pic related) was always better.
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And have one more.
One of the very few girls online I found truly alluring.
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And the last one, for shit and giggles.
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She will be forever one of the cutest or THE cutest tomboy we had here. Newfags who weren't around when she was posting, be it nudes or cutesy stuff are missing out.
>A bit of reverse search would be enough for you to find it.
I hate to be that guy, but nothing came up when i tried to find more about her. Can you help out a newfag anon? I'd be grateful.
theres really something charming about old photos i gotta say. thanks for sharing pardner
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Alright, since you've asked kindly I've spent a bit of time going through old pics and whatnot but now while I could find girls looking a bit similar I cannot find any of these two pics in any album so I confess I am a bit stumped - either it's a certain girl (who may have been a twink) who was posting a bit on /pol/ years ago, I just don't have those pics to find her/him through or it's someone else altogether. Apologies. If the thread will be up and I'll stumble upon something, I'll post, but don't keep your hopes up - the more I look through my shit, the more it seems it's just someone similar to someone posting here before, but not them.
You're welcome.
shes a fav, lots of her online.
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>Alright, since you've asked kindly I've spent a bit of time going through old pics
First off, thanks a lot anon <3 I really appreciate you taking the time to look through the stuff. I've done some investigating myself and stumbled upon an old /b/ thread from 2016 where someone claimed her insta was @juliaann08. You can kinda see the resemblance in the attached pic from her insta. I was a bit skeptical at first but apparently the OG pic was taken at some home depot event she partook in. the guy claimed it happened in 2012 too. If the claims are true, she looks completely different now :(
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Vollbros... we have a chance
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I'm bisexual, but if liking women with short hair and wearing slightly androgynous clothes is grounds for questioning your sexuality, you've got your own problems bro.
You like these pics cause these bitches look like dudes
home depot ftw. it's all obese whalecows with pink hair at lowes.
bro i'm gonna go one step further, brazilian = tomboy
Well she looks cute. Just look at that smile. I'm melting
Home Depot - The Home of Tomboys
So? Who cares?

Tomboys are based because they dress like guys and you can do guy shit, but if you’re dating one then it’s nit gay because it’s still a girl. So I mean, how would one be against that?

Lord Almighty, I love a girl wearing office casual clothing. Especially if she's got a tie on too
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Damn she can help load up my lumber.
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damn i gotta go to home depot more often
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that's a man. sorry.
does anyone here have this old pic
>>>/r/19510821 ?
white girl with black hair wearing a wet white t-shirt, visible boobage
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I know the image and woman you're talking about, and have both saved. However, since you posted AI slop and can't read the stickied posts, I will not give you either.
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bro... please....
im sorry..
i will never do that again
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Anyone recall that one girl who did porn that had the name pet at the end of her moniker?
I swear it was laynapet or lainypet or something like that. She was into the whole being dommed thing I recall.
She had some really nice hips.
name of this qt pls
More. Oh my god, more please.
Anon you are the goat of all goats. Thank you man.
>imagine getting butthurt over AI pics
you realize there's AI and photoshopped pics on /s/ all the time, right? between AI, photoshop & just plain old-fashioned camera trickery, you realize that the majority of pics here are doctored in one way or another, right?

Lacypet. She was amazingly well built
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Do any still exist that haven’t fallen for Tumblr gender bullshit
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a very cute face
Yes and no.
I know a girl IRL who would be classified as a cute tomboy on paper (short hair, into vidya & anime, only wears jeans and not skirts), but she's an aging Zoomer with legit brainrot and the mentality of a child.
She's my friend's girlfriend: she doesn't seem like she's his romantic partner, rather she seems like a younger relative of his who he babysits, since she's so immature and irritable.
They don't even really have sex anymore, and she never leaves the house: she just scrolls through TikTok videos on her phone all day whilst listening to annoying livestreams on the TV.
Oh, and she's a woketard now too.
There really is no hope then
They live together and have been in a relationship for several years.
She used to be really cool and fun to hang out with at first, but now it's like babysitting a kid with brainrot, and she's such a wet blanket.
My friend and I go out and get dinner and hang out like two bros, and she just stays at home staring at her phone whilst listening to livestreamers on the TV.
I think she got woke and braindead after 2020 or so.
ah man being nonced really fucked her up. She had potential
what do you mean had potential? she reached her potential and then started to hit the wall so she coped so hard into becoming a man. she wasn't going to get any cuter.
Go back to sleep, sheep.
Kill yourself, tranny.
Maybe someone found a cursed monkey's paw and wished to see Ellen Page topless, kek.
It's amazing to me how much transphobia is born from wank anxiety. Oh no, what if it's now gay to cum to her!
Well, I'm here to reassure you, "Tumblr gender bullshit" is what encourages girls to dress like tomboys if they want, even if they identify as female. Imagine that. What, you thought tradcucks approve of tomboys? Breaking gender stereotypes IS "gender bullshit" you horribly confused wanker. You like """"""woke"""""" women. Deal with it.
>It's amazing to me how much transphobia is born from wank anxiety. Oh no, what if it's now gay to cum to her!
Nobody is jerking it to Ellen Page's current mutilated body and nobody feels anxiety about cranking it to what she looked like fifteen years ago.
Yes. Look in healthy hobby spaces that filter fatties and spiteful mutants.

>What, you thought tradcucks approve of tomboys?
The traditional American pioneer woman is a tomboy who grows up to raise a family; this archetype is plenty accepted by conservative Americans, particularly in the more farm-heavy regions where women doing heavier outdoor chores is more normal. In contrast, FtM is a modern memetic pathogen driving tomboy genocide, physically, psychologically, and spiritually maiming would-be mothers.
pfffft hahaha
who the fuck grabs a mug like that?
somebody without a father worth learning from
I wrote an entire screenplay around this picture. I fucking love her.
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A righty.
Hold up I swear I know this person you’re describing lol or I guess it could be considered that more possible situations like this are going to continue to rise in possibly happening more and more in the future after all look at how well they’ve dumbed us down since the 50’s i mean that was main goal for the ones in power right? I wonder if this is all common more than it used to be
Save the tomboys. Fight globohomo
I know like three people IRL who fit that description too, so it's most likely a major issue and not the same person.
Pretty weird, though.
source? name? more?
Pole vaulters seem to get some of the better female track and field physiques.
>these bitches look like dudes
Your facial recognition AI needs an update my man
It's amazing to me how much transgenderism is born out of autogynephilia and autoandrophilia
pls more voll
All the most powerful corporations and agencies support wokeness
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I'm 90% sure She's a cam girl from way back. she used you date the cam girl undersiegexo/Babymetal, you can still find recording of their shows together. they broken up and then she killed her self years ago
I know who you are referring to but it's not her. She does not have the tattoos.
I don't give a rat's ass what a bunch of unelected (((billionaires))) think.
The average consumer is utterly repulsed by fags and trannies.
Yeah, and most CEOs and executives at major corporations are also clinically sociopaths, so what's your point?
looking for a pic similar to this but she is looking left and has no piercings tattoo that I remember. It was also a very high quality shot
genuinely perfect, too bad she left, would kill for gf like this desu

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