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Women with a sex pout, a POV of them making a kissy face towards you
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I need kisses so fucking bad
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Fucking who?? More
It's known as "duck-face" which was and still is a cringe trend. Lot of good selfies ruined with that stupid ass pose. That, and the dog face filter.
>durr nobody asked
go fuck yourselves.
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"Duck face" is a cringe boomer term and a misnomer. All the women ITT are making a hot as fuck kissy face/pout pose and you're mad because of it
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This is not a request thread or /r/
Both of these initial faces are so goddamn ugly. I hope you stub your toe, OP
Dubs confirmed. Op, fuck dem toes up
Are they smelling their lips? new fetish unlocked lol lip smelling please post moar!
oh fuck
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My most secret fetish, I love it because so many women have this pose all over their insta and they don't know guys like me are jerking off to it
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All these bitches really do be huffing that upper lip
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So "kissy face" is another way of saying "mumbo lips"? Fucking Kek!
Based. Came here looking for this comment.
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Fuck dude, she's so bad. I'm hard
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MORW of her
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shit taste
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A little bit of chub
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It's called a duckface tho
No it isn't, not even close to the same thing
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Hot as fuck
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agreed, boomers just hate women
No. I'm in my 30s, and I fucking hate the duckface.
They look like crackheads eating invisible spaghetti.
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this girl is one of my favorites
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Please have more of those perfect lips.
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wish I had more of this girl
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No, and half of these posts ARE duckface.

go back to X
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Gooned to this pic so many times
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Is there more?
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