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Nubile Scandinavian babes. Blonde, brunette, nudes etc. welcome. Gals in Bunad/traditional garb very welcome.
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>cute pristine traditional dress
>hiding sexy gams wrapped in nylon stockings
>wearing smelly sneakers with them
Holy fuck I'm diamonds
This guy knows.
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A fellow patrician, I see. Kek blessed your approval with doub dubs, czeched
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Need some top tier nordic tits to jerk off to
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damn those are heavy
Beautiful! Norwegian?
Dear sweet jeebus
You a fan of the Bunad too broski?
Queen thread
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Ohh yes. I swear they’re sexier dressed like this than in any risqué or flat out nude. Idk what it is, but damn.
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name and more please
Hnng, more like this
I’ll dig & will definitely post more if I find any in me folder.
Even if that’s all I get, I appreciate the effort.
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I’ll keep digging fellow bunad chad. What is it about that traditional dress?
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File deleted.
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Jeg vil lukte på BH-en til hun lengst til venstre
I don't speak snowslav
she stripped in front of her whole high school trying to become "russ" president. the picture was even on the front of our newspapers the day after.
and she still lost
>viking thread
>posts jewess booba
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I’ve been thinking about it and the only thing I can think of is that it represents traditional values while underneath hides extreme sexiness. The perfect representation of yin and yang. I love it.
i'll let you in on a secret;
"khazar" booba is just yamna booba in jewish drag.
I was thinking the same thing. That juxtaposition.
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Vikings are 5-0 so far this season
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You wouldn’t recognize a jew even if it cut your foreskin off
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Bought some nudes off of this Norwegian slut last year
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Any of you guys know hot OF Nordic models ? There aren’t many on Reddit and X.
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I want to smell her sweaty stockings
If I find anything you’ll be the first to know. Had one but apparently she became a nurse & scrubbed it unfortunately.
Based bunad chad.
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I hope that one day tattoo artists are held accountable for their crimes
Mest oppskrytte kvinnemenneske i Norges historien.
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Slovenian Beauty (1)
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Slovenian Beauty (2)
not scandinavian DUMBASS RETARD
where can i get more women with weapons? just discovered it really does it for me

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